Ansible version : 2.9
Python version : 3.7.5

I also tried many times with sftp or scp with ios_command module but no 
luck. Instead, as shown below, net_put successfully copied the file over to 
the Cisco switch. The ansible_ssh_user and ansible_ssh_pass needs to be set 
in inventory file. 

One issue I'm facing with the net_put module is that next task using 
ios_command after the copying fails to be executed. It gave error message 
"ConnectionError(to_text(msg, errors='surrogate_then_replace'), code=code)".
- name: Upgrade NM switch Firmware
  hosts: nm_switch
  connection: network_cli
  remote_user: cisco

- name: Copy over ios image
    src: "{{ nm_sw_image_file }}" # Need ansible_ssh_user and 
ansible_ssh_pass set up.
    ansible_command_timeout: 3600 # default time out is 30 sec. Image copy 
takes about 30 min

On Sunday, June 16, 2019 at 11:02:24 AM UTC-4, Frankie Soto wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to automate the process of upgrading IOS on Cisco devices.
> Everything seems to be working fine until the process of copying the file 
> begins.
> The issue I am encountering is that ansible keeps sending data (I assume 
> it keeps sending the same file a couple of times in a stream) to the IOS 
> device.
> I noticed this issue when I logged in to one of the switches to which I am 
> trying to upgrade and saw how the file keeps growing and growing, to up to 
> four times its size (i.e. filesize is ~ 21k but it was growing already on 
> th 80k+).
> Process ends when the "timeout" time is reached.  Subsequently, the file 
> gets deleted from the switch, as the switches interprets that the file 
> transfer was interrupted.
> Here is y core.  Any help will be much appreciated:
> ---
> - hosts: [HOSTS]
>   gather_facts: yes
>   connection: local
>   vars:
>     compliant_ios_version: 15.2(4)E8
>     new_ios_bin: c3560cx-universalk9-mz.152-4.E8.bin
>     new_ios_md5: bf2f1960b1fe0a05bdc69e17d82fcfed
>     should_reboot: YES
>   vars_prompt:
>   - name: username
>     prompt: "Enter username: "
>     private: no
>   - name: password
>     prompt: "Enter password: "
>     private: yes
>   - name: auth_pass
>     prompt: "Enter enable secret: "
>     private: yes
>   tasks:
>   - name: gathering HOSTS facts
>     ios_facts:
>       username: "{{ username }}"
>       password: "{{ password }}"
>       authorize: yes
>       auth_pass: "{{ auth_pass }}"
>       timeout: 30
>     register: all_facts
>   - name:  Verifying if file exists in flash
>     ios_command:
>       commands:
>         - command: dir | include "{{ new_ios_bin }}"
>       username: "{{ username }}"
>       password: "{{ password }}"
>       authorize: yes
>       auth_pass: "{{ auth_pass }}"
>       timeout: 30
>     register: new_ios_on_flash
>   - name:  Debugging new_ios_on_flash
>     debug:
>       msg: new ios is flash is "{{ new_ios_on_flash }}"
>   - name: Starting IOS upgrade process
>     block:
>     - name: Upgrade IOS images if not compliant
>       block:
>       - name:  Download new IOS image if it is not already on flash
>         ios_command:
>           commands:
>             - command: 'copy tftp://
> flash:'
>               prompt: 'c3560cx-universalk9-mz.152-4.E8.bin'
>               answer: "\r"
>           username: "{{ username }}"
>           password: "{{ password }}"
>           authorize: yes
>           auth_pass: "{{ auth_pass }}"
>           timeout: 600
>       when: new_ios_on_flash.stdout[0] == ""
>     - name: Checking MD5 hash
>       ios_command:
>         commands:
>         - command: "verify /md5 flash:/{{ new_ios_bin }}"
>         username: "{{ username }}"
>         password: "{{ password }}"
>         authorize: yes
>         auth_pass: "{{ auth_pass }}"
>         timeout: 3000
>       register: md5_result
>     - name:  Set boot var if MD5 matches
>       block:
>       - name:  Changing boot var
>         ios_config:
>           lines:
>             - default boot system
>             - boot system flash:/"{{ new_ios_bin }}"
>           username: "{{ username }}"
>           password: "{{ password }}"
>           authorize: yes
>           auth_pass: "{{ auth_pass }}"
>           save_when: always
>           timeout: 150
>         register: new_ios_on_flash
>       - name:  Setting boot var
>         ios_command:
>           commands:
>           - command: "reload at 23:00\ny"
>           username: "{{ username }}"
>           password: "{{ password }}"
>           authorize: yes
>           auth_pass: "{{ auth_pass }}"
>           timeout: 30
>       when: md5_result.stdout[0][-32:] == new_ios_md5
>     when: ansible_net_version != compliant_ios_version

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