Hi, the blog is still accepting comments, I just need to approve them so it 
doesn't get spammed.

As for your issue at hand.

1) to use Ansible to map this network drive automatically in all VMs for 
> the domain user (mapped drive should be visible after VM reboots, during 
> every RDP sessions using this credentials?

You should be using the win_mapped_drive  to create the mapping for the 
user you want. This should be as simple as

- win_mapped_drive:
    name: Z
    path: \\bellagio.infra.vegas.net\how\the\hell\to\solve\this\issue
    state: present
  become: yes
  become_method: runas
    ansible_become_user: '{{ ansible_user }}'
    ansible_become_pass: '{{ ansible_password }}'

Because you are using NTLM authentication, the task will not be able to 
access the network path so become is being used to bypass that limitation. 
If you are connecting with Ansible to one account but want the mapped drive 
for another, change the become user/pass vars to the account in question. 
What this task will do is create the mapped drive Z for the become user and 
that drive will appear when they log on locally. When they try and access 
it locally it will use their logon credentials to access the UNC path.

If you need to connect to the UNC path with custom credentials you can add 
the following task *before* the win_mapped_drive one.

- win_credential:
    name: bellagio.infra.vegas.net
    type: domain_password
    username: custom user
    secret: password
    state: present
  become: yes
  become_method: runas
    ansible_become_user: '{{ ansible_user }}'
    ansible_become_pass: '{{ ansible_password }}'

This task creates a credential for that host in the become user's 
credential manager and it is used for any outbound authentication attempts 
on that particular host. This enables you to save a credential for a 
network host and then use that credential for the mapped drive. Once again 
become is important for this task to work as the credential manager can 
only be accessed through become when using WinRM. The win_credential module 
is pretty much a wrapper for the same functionality that cmdkey.exe offers 

2) to use this mapped drive as a 'repo place' for future purposes - to copy 
> scrips, apps from this drive to VMs using Ansible?

This is not possible, ultimately it is next to impossible to do. A network 
logon like WinRM will not mount the network mounts for you so even with 
become it won't appear in Ansible. Technically it is possible to create a 
"global" mapped drive which always appears but credential management in 
this scenario is not ideal. I would highly recommend you don't create a 
global mount at all, the blog post does mention how it can be possible 

For your problem, you should always use the full UNC path in your Ansible 
scripts. This is beneficial for a few reasons

   1. You are not relying on the host to be setup in a particular method 
   for your Ansible scripts to work
   2. The Ansible playbook is self documenting as to where it is 
   referencing a file rather than something trying to figure out 'M:\path' 
   refers to this network host
   3. Mapped drives are a pain and are really only designed for interactive 
   setups, which Ansible is not

If you just don't want to type out the full path for each task, use an 
Ansible fact/variable that references the UNC path for you. If you are 
having trouble trying to connect to a UNC path that's probably due to the 
double hop problem with WinRM. See our documentation for more info on how 
to overcome the double hop problem [2].

[1] - 
[2] - 



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