Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 8:05 PM Srinivas Naram <>

> Hello Vladimir
> I have followed exactly same steps mentioned above and I see different
> errors now.
> My steps
> - Set the Ansible Vault password file Env variable
> - Create the vault encrypted file
> - Create directories and copy files in specific location. My dir structure
>     playbooks
>        |- vault
>               |-testing.yml
>               |-host_vars
>                    |-
>                         |- test.yml
> I get following error
> Error - ERROR! failed to combine variables, expected dicts but got a
> 'dict' and a 'AnsibleUnicode':{} "testing123:sensitive"
> When I change the directory structure in host_vars to groupname
> playbooks
>        |- vault
>               |-testing.yml
>               |-host_vars
>                    |- ansible_enddevice_2
>                         |- test.yml
> I get different message
> ok: [ ] => { "testing123": "VARIABLE IS NOT DEFINED!" }
> My inventory file structure
> [ansible_enddevice_2]
> On Tue, Jan 21, 2020 at 4:48 PM Vladimir Botka <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 21 Jan 2020 15:31:33 +0530
>> Srinivas Naram <> wrote:
>> > I am trying to maintain password (encrypted using ansible-vault) and my
>> > playbook (clear-text) in separate files.
>> Below is a step-by-step scenario:
>> 1) Let's assume the vault password has bee configured properly (you have
>> set
>> the 'vault_password_file' in ansible.cfg) . Let's use global variable
>> here.
>> For example
>>   $ set | grep VAULT
>>   ANSIBLE_VAULT_PASSWORD_FILE=/home/admin/.vault_pass.txt
>> See "Providing Vault Passwords"
>> 2) Create a file foo.yml with variable(s). Encrypt the file. See the
>> content.
>>   $ cat foo.yml
>>   test_var1: secret
>>   $ ansible-vault encrypt foo.yml
>>   $ cat foo.yml
>>   $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256
>> 39333766363735373133663263613063313331326263373433353434653566663439623366373338
>> 6438306562323262363965653336653362616136366439620a326533316463346437373066333433
>> 30353336623733303762613639636138336666366631386531633064323733313936663831393731
>> 3036633964323235310a613766346633613765643832306539346137613731663865636564636164
>>   61303534393363616263666564636366303861623131306536316432383230393736
>>   $ ansible-vault view foo.yml
>>   test_var1: secret1
>> See "Encrypting Unencrypted Files"
>> 3) Create inventory (fit the groups and hosts to your needs)
>>   $ cat hosts
>>   [test]
>>   test_01
>> 4) Put the encrypted file into the directory host_vars (fit the host to
>> your
>> needs)
>>   $ mkdir -p host_vars/test_01
>>   $ mv foo.yml host_vars/test_01/
>> 5) Create and run playbook. See the variable was successfully decrypted.
>>   $ cat test.yml
>>   - hosts: test_01
>>     tasks:
>>     - debug:
>>         var: test_var1
>>   $ ansible-playbook test1.yml
>>   ok: [test_01] => { "test_var1": "secret1" }
>> There are many variations how-to handle vault variables. If you have
>> troubles
>> report minimal, complete, reproducible example.
>> HTH,
>>         -vlado

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