Why are you using the command module?

Use the package module. Then it will not matter what package manager the 
distro is running.
If you have ansible module available for what you want to do, never use 
command. I would rewrite the entire play.

On Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 2:08:01 AM UTC+1, Work-Hard wrote:
> Hello,
> Do you recommend Migrating playbook from ubuntu to amazon Linux 2 (as it 
> uses *yum instead of apt*). If so, how can I check if missing add a 
> package to a new instance to make sure it installs python-apt*?*
> *Ansible-Playbook*
> ---
> - hosts: amazonlinux2
>   become: true
>   any_errors_fatal: true
>   serial: 1
>   max_fail_percentage: 0
>   vars:
>     ansible_user: ec2-user
>   tasks:
>     # do an "apt-get update", to ensure latest package lists
>     - name: apt-get update
>       apt:
>         update-cache: yes
>       changed_when: 0
>     # get a list of packages that have updates
>     - name: get list of pending upgrades
>       command: apt-get --simulate dist-upgrade
>       args:
>         warn: false # don't warn us about apt having its own plugin
>       register: apt_simulate
>       changed_when: 0
>     - name: Update cache
>       apt:
>         update-cache: yes
>       changed_when: false
>     - name: Fetch package list of updates
>       command: apt list --upgradable
>       register: aptlist
>     - set_fact:
>         updates: "{{ aptlist.stdout_lines | difference(['Listing...'])
> | map('regex_replace', '^(.*?)/(.*)', '\\1') | list }}"
>     - debug: var=updates
>     # tell user about packages being updated
>     - name: show pending updates
>       debug:
>         var: updates
>       when: updates.0 is defined
>     # comment this part in if you want to manually ack each server update
>     - pause:
>       when: updates.0 is defined
>     # if a new kernel is incoming, remove old ones to avoid full /boot
>     - name: apt-get autoremove
>       command: apt-get -y autoremove
>       args:
>         warn: false
>       when: '"Inst linux-image-" in apt_simulate.stdout'
>       changed_when: 0
>     # do the actual apt-get dist-upgrade
>     - name: apt-get dist-upgrade
>       apt:
>         upgrade: dist # upgrade all packages to latest version
>       register: upgrade_output
>     # check if we need a reboot
>     - name: check if reboot needed
>       stat: path=/var/run/reboot-required
>       register: file_reboot_required
>     # "meta: end_play" aborts the rest of the tasks in the current «tasks:»
>     # section, for the current webserver
>     # "when:" clause ensures that the "meta: end_play" only triggers if the
>     # current server does _not_ need a reboot
>     - meta: end_play
>       when: not file_reboot_required.stat.exists
>     # because of the above meta/when we at this point know that the current
>     # host needs a reboot
>     # prompt for manual input before doing the actual reboot
>     - name: Confirm reboot of ec2-user
>       pause:
>     - name: reboot node
>       shell: sleep 2 && shutdown -r now "Reboot triggered by ansible"
>       async: 1
>       poll: 0
>       ignore_errors: true
>     # poll ssh port until we get a tcp connect
>     - name: wait for node to finish booting
>       become: false
>       local_action: wait_for host=ec2-user
>           port=22
>           state=started
>           delay=5
>           timeout=600
>     # give sshd time to start fully
>     - name: wait for ssh to start fully
>       pause:
>         seconds: 15
>     # wait a few minutes between hosts, unless we're on the last
>     - name: waiting between hosts
>       pause:
>         minutes: 10
>       when: inventory_hostname != ansible_play_hosts[-1]
> *Ansible-Output*
> PLAY [amazonlinux2] 
> ******************************************************************************************************************************************
> TASK [Gathering Facts] 
> ***************************************************************************************************************************************
> [WARNING]: Platform linux on host is using the discovered 
> Python interpreter at /usr/bin/python, but future installation of another 
> Python
> interpreter could change this. See 
> https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/2.9/reference_appendices/interpreter_discovery.html
> for more information.
> ok: []
> TASK [apt-get update] 
> ****************************************************************************************************************************************
> [WARNING]: Updating cache and auto-installing *missing dependency: 
> python-apt*
> fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "apt-get 
> update", "msg": "[Errno 2] No such file or directory", "rc": 2}
> *******************************************************************************************************************************************
> *******************************************************************************************************************************************
> ***************************************************************************************************************************************************
>                 : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    
> failed=1    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

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