On Fri, Mar 27, 2020 at 09:10:32AM -0700, 'Mario Garcia' via Ansible Project 
> ---
> - name: get users from  hosts
>   hosts: all
>   gather_facts: no
>   tasks:
>   - name: get users
>     getent:
>       database: passwd
>   - name: get sudo rights
>     shell:
>       cmd: sudo -lU "{{ item }}"
>     loop: "{{ getent_passwd.keys()|flatten(levels=1) }}"
>     register: sudo_rights
>   - name: debug sudo_rights
>     debug:
>       msg: "{{item.stdout}}"
>     loop: "{{ sudo_rights.results }}"
>   - name: save to file
>     copy:
>       content: "{{item.stdout}}"
>       dest: privs_{{inventory_hostnam}}
>     loop: "{{ sudo_rights.results }}"
>     delegate_to: localhost
>     run_once: true
> I suspect taht only the last user queried is on the file.. based on the 
> debug output but how have them all. 
> can copy concatenane should i use a jinja template and use the template 
> module instead? 

This should work:

  - name: save to file
      content: "{{ sudo_rights.results | map(attribute='stdout') | join('\n') 
      dest: privs_{{inventory_hostnam}}
    delegate_to: localhost

You can't use run once, since you need the task to run one time for each host.

Kai Stian Olstad

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