When you say "variable is not available between plays in the same 
playbook", that is a different question than the one originally asked in 
this thread.

I'd suggest you post a very minimal playbook showing the error so we can 
reproduce it and assist you further with that problem.

You wrote "I think I did not understand what you want to debug."

The playbook example was trying to "baby step" adding a couple more tasks 
in the play, and introduce a few additional variables.  I might have 
confused you by using the "debug:" module.

On Wednesday, April 15, 2020 at 2:43:51 AM UTC-5, Nicola Contu wrote:
> I am sorry Dan,
> I think I did not understand what you want to debug.
> This playbook does not work and I can't make it working.
> Sorry about that.
> Btw, the issue is that the variable is not available between plays in the 
> same playbook. I just want to know how to pass those variable to the next 
> play because it does not seem to be automatic.
> Thanks
> Il giorno ven 10 apr 2020 alle ore 23:41 Dan Linder <d...@linder.org 
> <javascript:>> ha scritto:
>> So, from that output we know that the 'PHP_SITE_RESPONSE' variable is 
>> being set and we have the variable structure to look at.
>> Your error from a few messages back just showed:
>> {"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The 
>> error was: 'PHP_SITE_RESPONSE' is undefined
>> I assume that was from one of these tasks:
>> ```
>>     - name: Write header
>>       run_once: true
>>       lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt create=yes line="LATEST 
>> {{HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}}"
>>       delegate_to:
>>     - name: Write to local disk
>>       lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt insertafter=EOF create=yes 
>> line="{{ ansible_fqdn }} {{CURRENT_PHP_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}} 
>>       delegate_to:
>>       when: CURRENT_PHP_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>> PHP_SITE_RESPONSE.json.version or CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>> HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>> GIT_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]
>> ```
>> As a next step I'd add each of those tasks one at a time into the small 
>> playbook you just wrote/tested but change the tasks to further "debug" 
>> calls:
>> ```
>> - hosts: "{{ variable_host }}"
>>   serial: 1
>>   tasks:
>>     -
>>       name: "Get PHP version from site"
>>       register: PHP_SITE_RESPONSE
>>       uri:
>>         body_format: json
>>         method: GET
>>         return_content: true
>>         url: "https://www.php.net/releases/?json&version=7.2";
>>       run_once: true
>>       delegate_to:
>>     -
>>       name: "Show PHP version from site"
>>       debug:
>>         var: PHP_SITE_RESPONSE
>>     - name: DEBUG Write header
>>       run_once: true
>>       debug: |
>>         lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt create=yes line="LATEST 
>> {{HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}}"
>>       delegate_to:
>> ```
>> On Friday, April 10, 2020 at 1:06:08 PM UTC-5, Nicola Contu wrote:
>>> [ncontu@cmd-config cmd]$ ansible-playbook playbooks/test.yml -e 
>>> "variable_host="
>>> to allow bad characters in group names by default, this will change, but 
>>> still be user configurable on
>>>  deprecation. This feature will be removed in version 2.10. Deprecation 
>>> warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in 
>>> ansible.cfg.
>>>  [WARNING]: Invalid characters were found in group names but not 
>>> replaced, use -vvvv to see details
>>> PLAY [] 
>>> ***************************************************************************************************************************************************************
>>> TASK [Gathering Facts] 
>>> *********************************************************************************************************************************************************
>>> ok: []
>>> TASK [Get PHP version from site] 
>>> ***********************************************************************************************************************************************
>>> ok: []
>>> TASK [Show PHP version from site] 
>>> **********************************************************************************************************************************************
>>> ok: [] => {
>>>     "PHP_SITE_RESPONSE": {
>>>         "cache_control": "max-age=0",
>>>         "changed": false,
>>>         "connection": "close",
>>>         "content": 
>>> "{\"announcement\":true,\"tags\":[\"security\"],\"date\":\"19 Mar 
>>> 2020\",\"source\":[{\"filename\":\"php-7.2.29.tar.bz2\",\"name\":\"PHP 
>>> 7.2.29 
>>> (tar.bz2)\",\"sha256\":\"eaa1f5503f2bf0c8569ec4ae80ffd8ca8cbc260f01c2503dd0e83dfc9cf0b923\",\"date\":\"19
>>> Mar 2020\"},{\"filename\":\"php-7.2.29.tar.gz\",\"name\":\"PHP 7.2.29 
>>> (tar.gz)\",\"sha256\":\"ea5c96309394a03a38828cc182058be0c09dde1f00f35809622c2d05c50ee890\",\"date\":\"19
>>> Mar 2020\"},{\"filename\":\"php-7.2.29.tar.xz\",\"name\":\"PHP 7.2.29 
>>> (tar.xz)\",\"sha256\":\"b117de74136bf4b439d663be9cf0c8e06a260c1f340f6b75ccadb609153a7fe8\",\"date\":\"19
>>> Mar 2020\"}],\"version\":\"7.2.29\"}",
>>>         "content_language": "en",
>>>         "content_type": "application/json",
>>>         "cookies": {
>>>             "COUNTRY": "NA%2C208.77.65.47"
>>>         },
>>>         "cookies_string": "COUNTRY=NA%2C208.77.65.47",
>>>         "date": "Fri, 10 Apr 2020 18:05:04 GMT",
>>>         "elapsed": 0,
>>>         "etag": "\"myra-2a0383c2\"",
>>>         "expires": "Fri, 10 Apr 2020 18:05:04 GMT",
>>>         "failed": false,
>>>         "json": {
>>>             "announcement": true,
>>>             "date": "19 Mar 2020",
>>>             "source": [
>>>                 {
>>>                     "date": "19 Mar 2020",
>>>                     "filename": "php-7.2.29.tar.bz2",
>>>                     "name": "PHP 7.2.29 (tar.bz2)",
>>>                     "sha256": 
>>> "eaa1f5503f2bf0c8569ec4ae80ffd8ca8cbc260f01c2503dd0e83dfc9cf0b923"
>>>                 },
>>>                 {
>>>                     "date": "19 Mar 2020",
>>>                     "filename": "php-7.2.29.tar.gz",
>>>                     "name": "PHP 7.2.29 (tar.gz)",
>>>                     "sha256": 
>>> "ea5c96309394a03a38828cc182058be0c09dde1f00f35809622c2d05c50ee890"
>>>                 },
>>>                 {
>>>                     "date": "19 Mar 2020",
>>>                     "filename": "php-7.2.29.tar.xz",
>>>                     "name": "PHP 7.2.29 (tar.xz)",
>>>                     "sha256": 
>>> "b117de74136bf4b439d663be9cf0c8e06a260c1f340f6b75ccadb609153a7fe8"
>>>                 }
>>>             ],
>>>             "tags": [
>>>                 "security"
>>>             ],
>>>             "version": "7.2.29"
>>>         },
>>>         "msg": "OK (unknown bytes)",
>>>         "redirected": false,
>>>         "server": "myracloud",
>>>         "set_cookie": "COUNTRY=NA%2C208.77.65.47; expires=Fri, 
>>> 17-Apr-2020 18:05:04 GMT; Max-Age=604800; path=/; domain=.php.net",
>>>         "status": 200,
>>>         "transfer_encoding": "chunked",
>>>         "url": "https://www.php.net/releases/?json&version=7.2";,
>>>         "x_frame_options": "SAMEORIGIN"
>>>     }
>>> }
>>> *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************
>>>                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0   
>>>  failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
>>> Il giorno ven 10 apr 2020 alle ore 19:38 Dan Linder <d...@linder.org> 
>>> ha scritto:
>>>> Hi Nicola,
>>>> I'd take a bit step back and reduce your playbook to just a couple of 
>>>> tasks:
>>>> ```
>>>> - hosts: "{{ variable_host }}"
>>>>   serial: 1
>>>>   tasks:
>>>>     -
>>>>       name: "Get PHP version from site"
>>>>       register: PHP_SITE_RESPONSE
>>>>       uri:
>>>>         body_format: json
>>>>         method: GET
>>>>         return_content: true
>>>>         url: "https://www.php.net/releases/?json&version=7.2";
>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>     -
>>>>       name: "Show PHP version from site"
>>>>       debug:
>>>>         var: PHP_SITE_RESPONSE
>>>> ```
>>>> What output does that produce?
>>>> DanL
>>>> On Friday, April 10, 2020 at 8:48:06 AM UTC-5, Nicola Contu wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I am trying to get the latest version of few softwares and comparing 
>>>>> it with a list of hosts with the current installed.
>>>>> Calling the github API is creating issues with the number of call due 
>>>>> to the the list of hosts that is quite big.
>>>>> So I would like to register the latest versions in a variable and then 
>>>>> use it to compare for each host.
>>>>>  I tried a lot of things, like run_once, changed_when but it seems 
>>>>> like it is not working.
>>>>> Here is the playbook.
>>>>> - hosts: "{{ variable_host }}"
>>>>>   serial: 1
>>>>>   tasks:
>>>>>     -
>>>>>       name: "Get PHP version from site"
>>>>>       register: PHP_SITE_RESPONSE
>>>>>       uri:
>>>>>         body_format: json
>>>>>         method: GET
>>>>>         return_content: true
>>>>>         url: "https://www.php.net/releases/?json&version=7.2";
>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>     -
>>>>>       name: "Get APACHE version from site"
>>>>>       shell: "curl -s '
>>>>> https://api.github.com/repos/apache/httpd/tags?per_page=100' | jq -r 
>>>>> '.[] | .name' | sort -V | grep ^2.4 | tail -n 1"
>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>       register: HTTPD_SITE_VERSION
>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>     -
>>>>>       name: "Get GIT version from site"
>>>>>       shell: "curl -s '
>>>>> https://api.github.com/repos/git/git/tags?per_page=100' | jq -r '.[] 
>>>>> | .name' | sort -V | grep ^v2 | tail -n 1 | cut -f1 -d'-' | tail -
>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>       register: GIT_SITE_VERSION
>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>     -
>>>>>       name: "Get current version PHP"
>>>>>       register: CURRENT_PHP_VERSION
>>>>>       shell: "/usr/local/php/bin/php --version | head -c 10 | tail -c 
>>>>> 6"
>>>>>     -
>>>>>       name: "Get current version PHP"
>>>>>       register: CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSION
>>>>>       shell: "httpd -v | grep 2.4 | tail -n 1 | tail -c 14 | head -c 6"
>>>>>     -
>>>>>       name: "Get current version PHP"
>>>>>       register: CURRENT_GIT_VERSION
>>>>>       shell: "git --version | tail -c 7"
>>>>>     - name: Write header
>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>       lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt create=yes line="LATEST 
>>>>> {{HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}}"
>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>     - name: Write to local disk
>>>>>       lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt insertafter=EOF 
>>>>> create=yes line="{{ ansible_fqdn }} 
>>>>> {{CURRENT_PHP_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}} 
>>>>> {{CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSI}} {{CURRENT_GIT_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}}"
>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>       when: CURRENT_PHP_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>>>>> PHP_SITE_RESPONSE.json.version or CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] 
>>>>> != 
>>>>> HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>>>>> GIT_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]
>>>>>     - name: Cat produced file
>>>>>       command: /bin/cat /home/ncontu/test.txt
>>>>>       register: details
>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>       when: inventory_hostname == ansible_play_hosts_all[-1]
>>>>>     - name: Base64 produced file
>>>>>       command: base64 /home/ncontu/test.txt
>>>>>       register: basefile
>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>       when: inventory_hostname == ansible_play_hosts_all[-1]
>>>>> Any help would be much appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>> On Friday, April 10, 2020 at 11:01:23 AM UTC-5, Nicola Contu wrote:
>>>>> Hey Dick,
>>>>> I tried that but the subsequent play is not able to recognise those 
>>>>> variables.
>>>>> *{"msg": "The task includes an option with an undefined variable. The 
>>>>> error was: 'PHP_SITE_RESPONSE' is undefined*
>>>>> I changed the playbook like this :
>>>>> *- hosts:  tasks:    - name: "Get PHP version from site"    
>>>>>   register: PHP_SITE_RESPONSE      uri:        body_format: json        
>>>>> method: GET        return_content: true        url: 
>>>>> "https://www.php.net/releases/?json&version=7.2 
>>>>> <https://www.php.net/releases/?json&version=7.2>"    - name: "Get APACHE 
>>>>> version from site"      shell: "curl -s 
>>>>> 'https://api.github.com/repos/apache/httpd/tags?per_page=100 
>>>>> <https://api.github.com/repos/apache/httpd/tags?per_page=100>' | jq -r 
>>>>> '.[] 
>>>>> | .name' | sort -V | grep ^2.4 | tail -n 1"      register: 
>>>>> HTTPD_SITE_VERSION    - name: "Get GIT version from site"      shell: 
>>>>> "curl 
>>>>> -s 'https://api.github.com/repos/git/git/tags?per_page=100 
>>>>> <https://api.github.com/repos/git/git/tags?per_page=100>' | jq -r '.[] | 
>>>>> .name' | sort -V | grep ^v2 | tail -n 1 | cut -f1 -d'-' | tail -c 7"      
>>>>> register: GIT_SITE_VERSION- hosts: dev preprod  serial: 1  tasks:    - 
>>>>> name: "Get current version PHP"      register: CURRENT_PHP_VERSION      
>>>>> shell: "/usr/local/php/bin/php --version | head -c 10 | tail -c 6"    - 
>>>>> name: "Get current version HTTPD"      register: CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSION    
>>>>> shell: "httpd -v | grep 2.4 | tail -n 1 | tail -c 14 | head -c 6"    - 
>>>>> name: "Get current version GIT"      register: CURRENT_GIT_VERSION      
>>>>> shell: "git --version | tail -c 7"    - name: Write header      run_once: 
>>>>> true      lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt create=yes line="LATEST 
>>>>> {{HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}} GIT 
>>>>> {{GIT_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}}"      delegate_to:    - 
>>>>> name: Write to local disk      lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt 
>>>>> insertafter=EOF create=yes line="{{ ansible_fqdn }} 
>>>>> {{CURRENT_PHP_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}} 
>>>>> {{CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}} 
>>>>> {{CURRENT_GIT_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}}"      delegate_to:      
>>>>> when: CURRENT_PHP_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>>>>> PHP_SITE_RESPONSE.json.version 
>>>>> or CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>>>>> HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] or CURRENT_GIT_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] 
>>>>> != GIT_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]*
>>>>> *.*
>>>>> *.*
>>>>> *.*
>>>>> *.*
>>>>> *.*
>>>>> Is there a way to tell those variables are from another play?
>>>>> Or am I doing something wrong?
>>>>> Thanks a lot for your help.
>>>>> Il giorno ven 10 apr 2020 alle ore 16:32 Dick Visser <
>>>>> dick....@geant.org> ha scritto:
>>>>>> Add a new play to the top of the list that targets localhost.
>>>>>> The use the registered vars in a subsequent play that targets all 
>>>>>> your hosts. 
>>>>>> On Fri, 10 Apr 2020 at 15:48, Nicola Contu <nicol...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> I am trying to get the latest version of few softwares and comparing 
>>>>>>> it with a list of hosts with the current installed.
>>>>>>> Calling the github API is creating issues with the number of call 
>>>>>>> due to the the list of hosts that is quite big.
>>>>>>> So I would like to register the latest versions in a variable and 
>>>>>>> then use it to compare for each host.
>>>>>>>  I tried a lot of things, like run_once, changed_when but it seems 
>>>>>>> like it is not working.
>>>>>>> Here is the playbook.
>>>>>>> - hosts: "{{ variable_host }}"
>>>>>>>   serial: 1
>>>>>>>   tasks:
>>>>>>>     -
>>>>>>>       name: "Get PHP version from site"
>>>>>>>       register: PHP_SITE_RESPONSE
>>>>>>>       uri:
>>>>>>>         body_format: json
>>>>>>>         method: GET
>>>>>>>         return_content: true
>>>>>>>         url: "https://www.php.net/releases/?json&version=7.2";
>>>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>>>     -
>>>>>>>       name: "Get APACHE version from site"
>>>>>>>       shell: "curl -s '
>>>>>>> https://api.github.com/repos/apache/httpd/tags?per_page=100' | jq 
>>>>>>> -r '.[] | .name' | sort -V | grep ^2.4 | tail -n 1"
>>>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>>>       register: HTTPD_SITE_VERSION
>>>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>>>     -
>>>>>>>       name: "Get GIT version from site"
>>>>>>>       shell: "curl -s '
>>>>>>> https://api.github.com/repos/git/git/tags?per_page=100' | jq -r 
>>>>>>> '.[] | .name' | sort -V | grep ^v2 | tail -n 1 | cut -f1 -d'-' | tail -
>>>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>>>       register: GIT_SITE_VERSION
>>>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>>>     -
>>>>>>>       name: "Get current version PHP"
>>>>>>>       register: CURRENT_PHP_VERSION
>>>>>>>       shell: "/usr/local/php/bin/php --version | head -c 10 | tail 
>>>>>>> -c 6"
>>>>>>>     -
>>>>>>>       name: "Get current version PHP"
>>>>>>>       register: CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSION
>>>>>>>       shell: "httpd -v | grep 2.4 | tail -n 1 | tail -c 14 | head -c 
>>>>>>> 6"
>>>>>>>     -
>>>>>>>       name: "Get current version PHP"
>>>>>>>       register: CURRENT_GIT_VERSION
>>>>>>>       shell: "git --version | tail -c 7"
>>>>>>>     - name: Write header
>>>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>>>       lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt create=yes line="LATEST 
>>>>>>> VERSION PHP {{PHP_SITE_RESPONSE.json.version}} HTTPD 
>>>>>>> {{HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}}"
>>>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>>>     - name: Write to local disk
>>>>>>>       lineinfile: dest=/home/ncontu/test.txt insertafter=EOF 
>>>>>>> create=yes line="{{ ansible_fqdn }} 
>>>>>>> {{CURRENT_PHP_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}} 
>>>>>>> {{CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSI}} {{CURRENT_GIT_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]}}"
>>>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>>>       when: CURRENT_PHP_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>>>>>>> PHP_SITE_RESPONSE.json.version or CURRENT_HTTPD_VERSION.stdout_lines[0] 
>>>>>>> != 
>>>>>>> HTTPD_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[VERSION.stdout_lines[0] != 
>>>>>>> GIT_SITE_VERSION.stdout_lines[0]
>>>>>>>     - name: Cat produced file
>>>>>>>       command: /bin/cat /home/ncontu/test.txt
>>>>>>>       register: details
>>>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>>>       when: inventory_hostname == ansible_play_hosts_all[-1]
>>>>>>>     - name: Base64 produced file
>>>>>>>       command: base64 /home/ncontu/test.txt
>>>>>>>       register: basefile
>>>>>>>       delegate_to:
>>>>>>>       run_once: true
>>>>>>>       when: inventory_hostname == ansible_play_hosts_all[-1]
>>>>>>> Any help would be much appreciated.
>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>> -- 
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