On Tue, 28 Apr 2020 12:45:14 -0700 (PDT)
Suresh Karpurapu <karpurapu.sur...@gmail.com> wrote:

> - name: makeing file backup as vfstab.bkp in /tmp
>   copy: |-
>     {% if ansible_os_family == "Solaris" %}
>     src=/etc/vfstab dest=/tmp/vfstab.bkp remote_src=yes
>     {%- else %}
>     src=/etc/fstab dest=/tmp/fstab.bkp remote_src=yes
>     {%- endif %}
>   when:
>     - item.changed == true
>     - item.stdout != ""
>   with_items: "{{ mounts.results }}"

Try this

 - name: making file backup as vfstab.bkp in /tmp
     remote_src: true
     src: "{{ (ansible_os_family == 'Solaris')|
              ternary('/etc/vfstab', '/etc/fstab') }}"
     dest: "{{ (ansible_os_family == 'Solaris')|
               ternary('/tmp/vfstab.bkp', '/tmp/fstab.bkp') }}"
   loop: "{{ mounts.results }}"
     - item.changed|bool
     - item.stdout|length > 0

Why do you use the loop? The same copy shall be repeated when the
conditions are met? Wouldn't probably the tests "any" or "all" fit the
use-case better?

For example, copy backup if any result has been changed

  when: mounts.results|json_query('[].changed') is any



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