OK, I'm finally getting back to this.  I failed to mention that I'm trying 
to query our LDAP server, which is Red Hat IDM (based off of FreeIPA).  
Here's what I have so far but its not working:

- hosts: ldap
  gather_facts: no
  become: yes
  become_method: sudo


   - name: Obtain Kerberos Ticket on Tower
     command: /usr/bin/kinit admin@ldap -k -t /var/lib/awx/admin.keytab
     delegate_to: tower_server

   - name: Obtain Kerberos Ticket from LDAP
     command: /usr/bin/kinit admin@ldap -k -t /root/admin.keytab

   - name: Get password entries from getent
       database: password

   - name: Set User facts
       uid_list: "{{ getent_passwd | dict2items | json_query('[].{user:key, 
uid: to_number(value[1])}) }}"

   - name: Set Attribute facts
       uid_list: "{{ uid_list | json_query('[?uid >= `1000`]) | 
json_query('[?uid <= `1010`]') | sort(attribute='uid') | list }}"

   - name: Add to CSV template
       src: uid.csv.j2
       dest: uid.csv


User ID Inventory (generated on $[(datetime.datetime.today().date())]
{% for item in uid_list %}
{{ item.user }},{{ item.uid }}
{% endfor %}

When I run the playbook, I get the following error:

 [root@tower ~]#ansible-playbook uid_inventory.yml -K --check
BECOME password:

PLAY [ldap] 

TASK [Obtain Kerberos Ticket on Tower] 

TASK [Obtain Kerberos Ticket on LDAP] 

TASK [Get password entries from getent] 
fatal: [ldap]: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts": 
{"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"}, "changed": false, 
"msg": "Missing arguments, or database unknown."}

ldap   : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=1    skipped=2    
rescued=0    ignored=0

Any thoughts/ideas?


On Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at 3:41:55 PM UTC-4, harry devine wrote:
> I have a shell script that I'm trying to convert to Ansible.  It currently 
> is similar to the following:
> for uid in {1000..6500}
>   user = ipa user-find --uid=$uid --raw |grep uid: | awk '{print $2}'
>   echo "user,uid" >> uid.csv
> do
> How do I accomplish this in Ansible?  I know I can use the shell module 
> with a loop similar to the following:
> - name: Get user name based on the UID
>   shell: "set -o pipefail && /bin/ipa user-find --uid={{ uid }} --raw | 
> grep uid: | awk '{print $2}'"
>   register: output
>   loop:  {{ range(1000, 6500, 1) | list }}
> But how can I have each iteration add the values I need to a file?  I know 
> that I can use lineinfile, but I need to have it do this for each iteration 
> of the loop.
> Thanks,
> Harry

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