Hi All, hope this question makes sense. Here goes: 

Context: I have several automated patching playbooks that rely on 
stopping/starting services on windows before patching a database on Linux. 
We are using a python script to generate a dynamic inventory. We are 
leveraging a powershell script on a windows host to remotely start/stop 
services on various other windows hosts, so we only need to delegate to the 
one single windows host that houses the powershell scripts. We are NOT 
naming the windows host in the python script for dynamic inventory, and 
instead delegating to the FQDN of the windows host, backed by a 
host_vars/<windows_server>.yml for connection info for ansible to use. Oh 
and we are using psexec because I can't get win_shell to work to save my 

*- name: Pre-patching - Copy powershell script to stop service (windows)*
*  run_once: true*
*  become: false*
*  win_copy:*
*    src: ../supporting_tools/scripts/serviceshutdown{{ vmenv_result.stdout 
*    dest: C:\temp\serviceshutdown{{ vmenv_result.stdout }}.ps1*
*    force: no*
*  delegate_to: windows_server*

*- name: Pre-patching - Copy psexec to stop service (windows)*
*  run_once: true*
*  become: false*
*  win_copy:*
*    src: ../supporting_tools/scripts/PsExec.exe*
*    dest: C:\temp\PsExec.exe*
*    force: no*
*  delegate_to: windows_server*

*- name: Pre-patching - Stop service (windows)*
*  become: false*
*  run_once: true*
*  win_psexec:*
*    command: powershell.exe -executionpolicy bypass -noninteractive 
-nologo -file "C:\temp\serviceshutdown{{ vmenv_result.stdout }}.ps1"*
*    executable: C:\temp\PsExec.exe*
*    elevated: yes*
*    nobanner: yes*
*    username: "{{ansible_user}}"*
*    password: "{{ansible_password}}"*
*    interactive: no*
*  vars:*
*    ansible_become_method: runas*
*  delegate_to: windows_server*


*ansible_user: ad_useransible_password: passwordansible_connection: 
winrmansible_winrm_transport: ntlmansible_winrm_server_cert_validation: 
*ansible_port: 5986*

The above role tasks run fine. Services get stopped as expected and the 
playbook moves on. However the next role is to gather the current repo 
information from the linux server that is to be patched and is a block that 
is a mix of delegate_to: tasks and non delegated tasks (i.e.: 
they run on the target linux server). This is where the playbook falls down 
and goes boom. The first non-delegated task after delegating to the windows 
server above fails with the following error: 

fatal: [linux_server]: FAILED! =>   msg: The powershell shell family is 
incompatible with the sudo become plugin

The role in question is: 

- name: Pre-patching - Update sw.repo
    - name: Pre-patching - gather minor OS target version
      shell: curl -sk -u user:pass 
ansible_distribution_major_version }}&os={{ os_shorthand }}"
        warn: false
      register: minor_version
      changed_when: false
      become: false
      delegate_to:    - name: Pre-patching - gather local errata repo 
      shell: yum repolist | grep ERRATA_ | awk '{print $1}'
      register: current_errata_repo
        warn: false
      changed_when: false

  when: ansible_distribution != 'Debian' and ansible_distribution != 'Ubuntu' 
and not (facter_os.family == "RedHat" and ansible_distribution_major_version == 

The task in red is what is failing. I'm not sure why I'm getting this failure 
message since I'm not trying to use any powershell commands or even target a 
windows server. I've tried putting ansible_become_method in the host_vars file 
with no difference in results. Using win_shell to run a command to turn on or 
off a service seems to work, but I do not want to have to target 8 or 9 windows 
servers individually (for this one application alone. there are others with 
more servers behind them).

Has anyone run across this before? What is the resolution here? Is it because I 
am not targeting the windows host in inventory? I'd like to not do that because 
the entire playbook and all 50 or so included roles are geared to linux only 
and I do not want to have to add when clauses everywhere.



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