Unfortunately, I am under the constraint that I must use the password store 
that the company has chosen to use (Passwordstate).  I have that part 
working fine.  I am able to push passwords into it and pull them back out 
with no problem.  But the general structure of your code will probably be 
useful in laying out my playbook.
The problem I have is in grouping servers within the playbook.  I need to 
be able to separate out servers in an inventory file by their environment 
group and run the play once for each of those groups.  This all works fine 
if I run the playbook multiple times, limiting each run to just one 
environment group at a time, but we want to run the playbook just once for 
each inventory file and let it separate out the servers by environment 
group.  The "group_by" module looks like it should do this, but only if 
there is a way to dynamically specify what is specified in the following 
"hosts:" statement.
Or maybe it is a data structure problem.  I tried to set up a structure 
that looks like this:




password: some_password

Then I can refer to it as:


Unfortunately, every server gets its own private copy of "structure", not a 
shared copy.  I need some way sharing that between all servers within an 
environment group. 
 ANy suggestions for this method?




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