Thank you!  That worked well.  I must've really been over thinking it.  
However, this does lead to another question:  now I'm putting in the actual 
content as follows:

{% for i in range(1, idmcount|int +1) %}
{{ users[i].uid }},{{ users[i].uidnumber }}
{% endfor %}

This works fine, but the values appear to be in (what I think) is the json 
format.  For example:


How do I strip out the "u'" and have just:

On Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 2:52:38 PM UTC-4, harry devine wrote:
> I have a playbook that will use the user_find API call against our FreeIPA 
> server to retrieve a list of all users.  What I'm trying to do is get the 
> total count, then use that count in my j2 file.  I'm getting the count as 
> follows:
>     - name: Set IDM facts
>       set_fact:
>         idmcount: "{{ userfind.json.result.count|int }}"
>     - name: Output data
>       template:
>         src: uid.csv.j2
>         dest: uid.csv
> In my j2 file, I've tried 2 different things:
> Option 1:
> {% for i in idmcount %}
> {{ i }}
> {% endfor %}
> This prints the count as strings (the value is 1740):
> 1
> 7
> 4
> 0
> Option 2:
> {% for i in {{ idmcount }} %}
> {{ i }}
> {% endfor %}
> This gives me the following error:
> fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "AnsibleError: 
> template error while templating string: expected token ':', got '}'. 
> String: {% for i in {{ idmcount }} %}\n{{ i }}\n{% endfor %}\n"}
> So how do I use that count as a loop control variable?
> Thanks,
> Harry

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