Hi all,

I need to try to map multiple attributes from an ACI vrf query output.


- name: Test Play
  hosts: mgtapic
  gather_facts: no


    - name: Query all VRFs
        host: "{{ ansible_host }}"
        username: "{{ ansible_user }}"
        password: "{{ ansible_password }}"
        validate_certs: no
        state: query
      delegate_to: localhost
      register: vrf_query

    - debug:
          - "{{ vrf_query }}"
          - "{{ vrf_query.current[:] | 
map(attribute='fvCtx.attributes.name') | list }}"
          - "{{ vrf_query.current[:] | map(attribute='fvCtx.attributes.dn') 
| list }}"

I can get the single requested output for <vrf_query>, <name> & <dn>,

[root@localhost ]# ansible-playbook aci_test.yml

PLAY [Test Play] 

TASK [Query all VRFs] 
Thursday 02 July 2020  13:08:42 +0100 (0:00:00.026)       0:00:00.026 
ok: [mgtapic01 -> localhost]

TASK [debug] 
Thursday 02 July 2020  13:08:43 +0100 (0:00:00.694)       0:00:00.721 
ok: [mgtapic01] =>
  - changed: false
    - fvCtx:
          annotation: ''
          bdEnforcedEnable: 'no'
          childAction: ''
          descr: ''
          dn: uni/tn-mgmt/ctx-oob
          extMngdBy: ''
          ipDataPlaneLearning: enabled
          knwMcastAct: permit
          lcOwn: local
          modTs: '2020-06-29T08:53:32.087+00:00'
          monPolDn: uni/tn-common/monepg-default
          name: oob
          nameAlias: ''
          ownerKey: ''
          ownerTag: ''
          pcEnfDir: ingress
          pcEnfDirUpdated: 'yes'
          pcEnfPref: enforced
          pcTag: '32770'
          scope: '2981888'
          seg: '2981888'
          status: ''
          uid: '0'
    - fvCtx:
          annotation: ''
          bdEnforcedEnable: 'no'
          childAction: ''
          descr: ''
          dn: uni/tn-mgmt/ctx-inb
          extMngdBy: ''
          ipDataPlaneLearning: enabled
          knwMcastAct: permit
          lcOwn: local
          modTs: '2020-06-29T08:53:32.087+00:00'
          monPolDn: uni/tn-common/monepg-default
          name: inb
          nameAlias: ''
          ownerKey: ''
          ownerTag: ''
          pcEnfDir: ingress
          pcEnfDirUpdated: 'yes'
          pcEnfPref: enforced
          pcTag: '32770'
          scope: '2686976'
          seg: '2686976'
          status: ''
          uid: '0'
    - fvCtx:
          annotation: ''
          bdEnforcedEnable: 'no'
          childAction: ''
          descr: ''
          dn: uni/tn-common/ctx-default
          extMngdBy: ''
          ipDataPlaneLearning: enabled
          knwMcastAct: permit
          lcOwn: local
          modTs: '2020-06-29T08:53:31.783+00:00'
          monPolDn: uni/tn-common/monepg-default
          name: default
          nameAlias: ''
          ownerKey: ''
          ownerTag: ''
          pcEnfDir: ingress
          pcEnfDirUpdated: 'yes'
          pcEnfPref: enforced
          pcTag: '49153'
          scope: '2883584'
          seg: '2883584'
          status: ''
          uid: '0'
    - fvCtx:
          annotation: ''
          bdEnforcedEnable: 'no'
          childAction: ''
          descr: ''
          dn: uni/tn-infra/ctx-overlay-1
          extMngdBy: ''
          ipDataPlaneLearning: enabled
          knwMcastAct: permit
          lcOwn: local
          modTs: '2020-06-29T08:53:30.437+00:00'
          monPolDn: uni/tn-common/monepg-default
          name: overlay-1
          nameAlias: ''
          ownerKey: ''
          ownerTag: ''
          pcEnfDir: ingress
          pcEnfDirUpdated: 'yes'
          pcEnfPref: enforced
          pcTag: '49153'
          scope: '16777199'
          seg: '16777199'
          status: ''
          uid: '0'
    - fvCtx:
          annotation: ''
          bdEnforcedEnable: 'no'
          childAction: ''
          descr: ''
          dn: uni/tn-common/ctx-copy
          extMngdBy: ''
          ipDataPlaneLearning: enabled
          knwMcastAct: permit
          lcOwn: local
          modTs: '2020-06-29T08:53:31.783+00:00'
          monPolDn: uni/tn-common/monepg-default
          name: copy
          nameAlias: ''
          ownerKey: ''
          ownerTag: ''
          pcEnfDir: ingress
          pcEnfDirUpdated: 'yes'
          pcEnfPref: enforced
          pcTag: '16386'
          scope: '3047424'
          seg: '3047424'
          status: ''
          uid: '0'
    - fvCtx:
          annotation: orchestrator:msc
          bdEnforcedEnable: 'no'
          childAction: ''
          descr: ''
          dn: uni/tn-tn-ncsd/ctx-v38-aci
          extMngdBy: ''
          ipDataPlaneLearning: enabled
          knwMcastAct: permit
          lcOwn: local
          modTs: '2020-06-29T08:58:27.856+00:00'
          monPolDn: uni/tn-common/monepg-default
          name: v38-aci
          nameAlias: ''
          ownerKey: ''
          ownerTag: ''
          pcEnfDir: ingress
          pcEnfDirUpdated: 'yes'
          pcEnfPref: enforced
          pcTag: '32770'
          scope: '2916352'
          seg: '2916352'
          status: ''
          uid: '15374'
     - - oob
    - inb
    - ave-ctrl
    - default
    - overlay-1
    - copy
    - v38-aci
  - - uni/tn-mgmt/ctx-oob
    - uni/tn-mgmt/ctx-inb
    - uni/tn-infra/ctx-ave-ctrl
    - uni/tn-common/ctx-default
    - uni/tn-infra/ctx-overlay-1
    - uni/tn-common/ctx-copy
    - uni/tn-tn-ncsd/ctx-v38-aci

mgtapic01             : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    
skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0

Thursday 02 July 2020  13:08:43 +0100 (0:00:00.154)       0:00:00.875 
Query all VRFs 

 but would like to try & capture the output as

  tenant: <dn>   (removing the "uni/tn-" & the "/ctx...."

  tenant: tn-ncsd

Still learning here so any advise would be great. Would it be using Jinja2 
filters or creating a new python script to filter?

Thanks in Advance

Albert Short

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