You can register it and use retries until it gets something you want . The.
You can call you second playbook with your when condition .

You have to provide the exact output to get condition .

Until: register.somthing.isFetched == true

On Thu 9. Jul 2020 at 11:26, Rahul Kumar <> wrote:

> Hi Geeks ,
>  I have a task as below which returns me some data.  I want to
> continuously poll this request until I get a specific attribute in response
> as true.
> Here is the response from the playbook sample1.yml:
> {"_id":"89494fnfi04m0","price":"$17","isFetched": false}
> cat sample1.yml
> ---
> name: My application configuration
>   uri:
>     url: https://{{ my_app_ip | default(ansible_fqdn)
> }}:8080/app-config/rest/vegetables
>     body_format: json
>     method: GET
>     user: "{{ my_restapi_user }}"
>     password: "{{ my_restapi_password }}"
>     force_basic_auth: true
>     follow_redirects: all
>     validate_certs: no
> As per above sample response , i want to continuously poll above REST API
> until i get "isFetched": true in response ! How can I do that?
> Another question i have :
> I have another playbook as below: (it imports above sample1.yml)
> cat master.yml
> ---
> - import_playbook: sample1.yml
> - import_playbook: sample2.yml
> Can I make sample2.yml import as conditional based on sample1.yml
> invocation result ? For example:
> include sample2.yml only iff isFetched= true in previous playbook response
> !
> Are variables persisted across playbooks ?
> Regards
> Rahul
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