Hello, I have been trying figure out away to do that. I have already 
downloaded the update and extracted the ISO so i now have a setup.exe file. 
I have been trying to use Powershell to install it then call that 
Powershell script from my ansible playbook. But have not been able to get 
it to work I keep getting an error saying the /s or /silent is not a valid 

I will give the win_command module a try. I will let you know if I can get 
it to work.

On Monday, August 3, 2020 at 8:55:33 PM UTC-7, jbor...@gmail.com wrote:
> I've spent a few hours today to try and track down this problem but 
> unfortunately I've come up short. I've opened up an issue for this problem 
> [1] but I don't have a fix for it sorry.
> No matter what I search for I'm just not able to get the Windows Update 
> API when using it directly to report on any feature updates that are 
> available which makes me suspect it's not handled by that API at all. The 
> only workaround I know is to download the update files and call the .exe 
> through something like win_command.
> [1] - https://github.com/ansible-collections/ansible.windows/issues/87
> On Saturday, August 1, 2020 at 2:35:08 AM UTC+10 alan.w...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> So here is an issue I am having I am trying to get the Feature update to 
>> windows 10 version 1909 installed using Ansible. When I go to Update & 
>> Security this is what I see:
>> [image: 1.png]
>> Then I run this playbook to install that update, and this is the outcome. 
>> Playbook:
>> ---
>> - hosts: win10-pro-2
>>   gather_facts: no
>>   tasks:
>>     - name: Install Windows Updates
>>       win_updates:
>>         category_names:
>>           - Application
>>           - Connectors
>>           - Critical Updates
>>           - Definition Updates
>>           - Developer Kits
>>           - Feature Packs
>>           - Guidance
>>           - Security Updates
>>           - Service Packs
>>           - Tools
>>           - Update Rollups
>>           - Updates
>>         state: installed
>>         reboot: yes
>>     - name: Ensure that WinRM is started when the system has settled
>>       win_service:
>>         name: WinRM
>>         start_mode: delayed
>> This is the outcome:
>> [vagrant@controller FeatureUpdatePlays]$ ansible-playbook update1.yml -vvv
>> ansible-playbook 2.9.10
>>   config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
>>   configured module search path = 
>> ['/home/vagrant/.ansible/plugins/modules', 
>> '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
>>   ansible python module location = 
>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
>>   executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
>>   python version = 3.6.8 (default, Apr 16 2020, 01:36:27) [GCC 8.3.1 
>> 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)]
>> Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file
>> host_list declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its 
>> verify_file() method
>> script declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its 
>> verify_file() method
>> auto declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its 
>> verify_file() method
>> Parsed /etc/ansible/hosts inventory source with ini plugin
>> PLAYBOOK: update1.yml 
>> *************************************************************************************************
>> 1 plays in update1.yml
>> PLAY [win10-pro-2] 
>> ****************************************************************************************************
>> META: ran handlers
>> TASK [Install Windows Updates] 
>> ****************************************************************************************
>> task path: 
>> /home/vagrant/ansible/win_10_Updates/FeatureUpdatePlays/update1.yml:5
>> win_updates: running win_updates module
>> Using module file 
>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/win_updates.ps1
>> Pipelining is enabled.
>> <win10-pro-2> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 5986 
>> TO win10-pro-2
>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>> ok: [win10-pro-2] => {
>>     "changed": false,
>>     "filtered_updates": {},
>>     "found_update_count": 0,
>>     "installed_update_count": 0,
>>     "reboot_required": false,
>>     "updates": {}
>> }
>> TASK [Ensure that WinRM is started when the system has settled] 
>> *******************************************************
>> task path: 
>> /home/vagrant/ansible/win_10_Updates/FeatureUpdatePlays/update1.yml:23
>> Using module file 
>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/win_service.ps1
>> Pipelining is enabled.
>> <win10-pro-2> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 5986 
>> TO win10-pro-2
>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>> ok: [win10-pro-2] => {
>>     "can_pause_and_continue": false,
>>     "changed": false,
>>     "depended_by": [],
>>     "dependencies": [
>>         "RPCSS",
>>         "HTTP"
>>     ],
>>     "description": "Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service implements 
>> the WS-Management protocol for remote management. WS-Management is a 
>> standard web services protocol used for remote software and hardware 
>> management. The WinRM service listens on the network for WS-Management 
>> requests and processes them. The WinRM Service needs to be configured with 
>> a listener using winrm.cmd command line tool or through Group Policy in 
>> order for it to listen over the network. The WinRM service provides access 
>> to WMI data and enables event collection. Event collection and subscription 
>> to events require that the service is running. WinRM messages use HTTP and 
>> HTTPS as transports. The WinRM service does not depend on IIS but is 
>> preconfigured to share a port with IIS on the same machine.  The WinRM 
>> service reserves the /wsman URL prefix. To prevent conflicts with IIS, 
>> administrators should ensure that any websites hosted on IIS do not use the 
>> /wsman URL prefix.",
>>     "desktop_interact": false,
>>     "display_name": "Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)",
>>     "exists": true,
>>     "name": "WinRM",
>>     "path": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\svchost.exe -k NetworkService -p",
>>     "start_mode": "delayed",
>>     "state": "running",
>>     "username": "NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService"
>> }
>> META: ran handlers
>> META: ran handlers
>> ************************************************************************************************************
>> win10-pro-2                : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0    
>> failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
>> How to I get Ansible to see this and install it then re-boot the system 
>> when it is done?
>> On Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 8:47:43 PM UTC-7, jbor...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> I still don't fully see the issue, the first call to win_updates found 4 
>>> updates and no updates were filtered. The screenshot you shared show that 4 
>>> updates were available which matches the 4 that are in log. Based on the 
>>> logs it was run in check mode so it didn't actually install the updates 
>>> (similar to state: searched).
>>> The 2nd snippet you had showed it not only installed 4 updates but it 
>>> also rebooted the host and came back without any errors and continued onto 
>>> your next task. No updates were filtered so there are no more available 
>>> updates for that host. Are you saying that when you log back into that same 
>>> host and check for updates they aren't installed and are still available? 
>>> If you were to check for updates again in win_updates will they still 
>>> appear again?
>>> On Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 8:25:18 AM UTC+10 alan.w...@gmail.com 
>>> wrote:
>>>> My end goal it actually not to install all teh windows updates. I am 
>>>> just wanting to upgrade windows 10 boxes to 1909 and the 2004 updates. I 
>>>> am 
>>>> trying to get a group of Windows 10 PC of 5-10 and run a upgrade playbook 
>>>> and install the 1909 and the 2004 update after hours when the users are 
>>>> not 
>>>> at there PCs. 
>>>> On Wednesday, July 29, 2020 at 3:21:30 PM UTC-7, Alan Woods wrote:
>>>>> Hello.
>>>>> So this is the playbook now have:
>>>>> ---
>>>>> - hosts: win10-pro-4
>>>>>   gather_facts: no
>>>>>   tasks:
>>>>>     - name: Install Windows Updates
>>>>>       win_updates:
>>>>>         category_names:
>>>>>           - Application
>>>>>           - Connectors
>>>>>           - CriticalUpdates
>>>>>           - DefinitionUpdates
>>>>>           - DeveloperKits
>>>>>           - FeaturePacks
>>>>>           - Guidance
>>>>>           - SecurityUpdates
>>>>>           - ServicePacks
>>>>>           - Tools
>>>>>           - UpdateRollups
>>>>>           - Updates
>>>>>         state: installed
>>>>>         reboot: yes
>>>>>     - name: Ensure that WinRM is started when the system has settled
>>>>>       win_service:
>>>>>         name: WinRM
>>>>>         start_mode: delayed
>>>>> It is weird I have a playbook that tells me what updates there are to 
>>>>> install. I ran this playbook I got these updates:
>>>>> It is weird I have a playbook that tells me what updates there are to 
>>>>> install. I ran this playbook I got these updates:
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:43Z WUA is available in current logon process, 
>>>>> running natively
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:43Z Creating Windows Update session...
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:43Z Create Windows Update searcher...
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:43Z Setting the Windows Update Agent source catalog...
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:43Z Requested search source is 'default'
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:43Z Search source set to 'default' (ServerSelection = 
>>>>> 0)
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:43Z Searching for updates to install
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Found 4 updates
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Creating update collection...
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Adding update 
>>>>> b3fb7000-1397-452f-81d3-4e9515450bfc - 2020-01 Update for Windows 10 
>>>>> Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4497165)
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Adding update 
>>>>> d4ea5ecd-03e8-44d2-ada7-bd4fb61446ef - 2020-06 Security Update for Adobe 
>>>>> Flash Player for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4561600)
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Adding update 
>>>>> d8cbe3a9-bcf6-4b76-8e21-e6b063bdc2a9 - 2020-07 Cumulative Update Preview 
>>>>> for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 
>>>>> (KB4562900)
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Adding update 
>>>>> e596074e-3f2a-4ac5-b254-e37440d50c47 - 2020-07 Cumulative Update for 
>>>>> Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4565483)
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Calculating pre-install reboot requirement...
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Check mode: exiting...
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Return value:
>>>>> {
>>>>>     "updates":  {
>>>>>                     "d8cbe3a9-bcf6-4b76-8e21-e6b063bdc2a9":  {
>>>>> "categories":  [
>>>>> "Updates",
>>>>> "Windows 10, version 1903 and later"
>>>>>                                                              ],
>>>>> "title":  "2020-07 Cumulative Update Preview for .NET Framework 3.5 
>>>>> and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 (KB4562900)",
>>>>>                                                                  "id":  
>>>>> "d8cbe3a9-bcf6-4b76-8e21-e6b063bdc2a9",
>>>>> "installed":  false,
>>>>>                                                                  "kb":  
>>>>> [
>>>>> "4562900"
>>>>> ]
>>>>>                                                              },
>>>>>                     "d4ea5ecd-03e8-44d2-ada7-bd4fb61446ef":  {
>>>>> "categories":  [
>>>>> "Security Updates",
>>>>>                                                             "Windows 
>>>>> 10, version 1903 and later"
>>>>> ],
>>>>> "title":  "2020-06 Security Update for Adobe Flash Player for Windows 
>>>>> 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4561600)",
>>>>>                                                                  "id":  
>>>>> "d4ea5ecd-03e8-44d2-ada7-bd4fb61446ef",
>>>>> "installed":  false,
>>>>>                                                                  "kb":  
>>>>> [
>>>>>                        "4561600"
>>>>> ]
>>>>>                                                              },
>>>>>                     "e596074e-3f2a-4ac5-b254-e37440d50c47":  {
>>>>> "categories":  [
>>>>> "Security Updates"
>>>>> ],
>>>>> "title":  "2020-07 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for 
>>>>> x64-based Systems (KB4565483)",
>>>>>                                                                  "id":  
>>>>> "e596074e-3f2a-4ac5-b254-e37440d50c47",
>>>>> "installed":  false,
>>>>>                                                                  "kb":  
>>>>> [
>>>>> "4565483"
>>>>> ]
>>>>>                                                              },
>>>>>                     "b3fb7000-1397-452f-81d3-4e9515450bfc":  {
>>>>> "categories":  [
>>>>> "Updates",
>>>>> "Windows 10, version 1903 and later"
>>>>> ],
>>>>> "title":  "2020-01 Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based 
>>>>> Systems (KB4497165)",
>>>>>                                                                  "id":  
>>>>> "b3fb7000-1397-452f-81d3-4e9515450bfc",
>>>>> "installed":  false,
>>>>>                                                                  "kb":  
>>>>> [
>>>>> "4497165"
>>>>> ]
>>>>>                                                              }
>>>>>                 },
>>>>>     "found_update_count":  4,
>>>>>     "changed":  false,
>>>>>     "reboot_required":  false,
>>>>>     "installed_update_count":  0,
>>>>>     "filtered_updates":  {
>>>>>                          }
>>>>> }
>>>>> 2020-07-29 13:48:48Z Native job completed with output: 
>>>>> Name                           Value                                      
>>>>> ----                           -----                                      
>>>>> updates                        {d8cbe3a9-bcf6-4b76-8e21-e6b063bdc2a9, 
>>>>> d4ea5ecd-03e8-44d2-ada7-bd4fb61446ef, 
>>>>> e596074e-3f2a-4ac5-b254-e37440d50c47, 
>>>>> b3fb7000-1397-452f-81d3-4e9515450bfc}                                     
>>>>> found_update_count             4                                
>>>>> changed                        False                                      
>>>>> reboot_required                False                                      
>>>>> installed_update_count         0                                          
>>>>> filtered_updates               {}
>>>>> [image: updates.png]
>>>>> Then I ran the playbook to install the updates. This is the output of 
>>>>> the play:
>>>>>  [vagrant@controller FeatureUpdatePlays]$ ansible-playbook 
>>>>> update1.yml -vvv
>>>>> ansible-playbook 2.9.10
>>>>>   config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
>>>>>   configured module search path = 
>>>>> ['/home/vagrant/.ansible/plugins/modules', 
>>>>> '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
>>>>>   ansible python module location = 
>>>>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible
>>>>>   executable location = /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
>>>>>   python version = 3.6.8 (default, Apr 16 2020, 01:36:27) [GCC 8.3.1 
>>>>> 20191121 (Red Hat 8.3.1-5)]
>>>>> Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file
>>>>> host_list declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its 
>>>>> verify_file() method
>>>>> script declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its 
>>>>> verify_file() method
>>>>> auto declined parsing /etc/ansible/hosts as it did not pass its 
>>>>> verify_file() method
>>>>> Parsed /etc/ansible/hosts inventory source with ini plugin
>>>>> PLAYBOOK: update1.yml 
>>>>> ********************************************************************************************************
>>>>> 1 plays in update1.yml
>>>>> PLAY [win10-pro-4] 
>>>>> ***********************************************************************************************************
>>>>> META: ran handlers
>>>>> TASK [Install Windows Updates] 
>>>>> ***********************************************************************************************
>>>>> task path: 
>>>>> /home/vagrant/ansible/win_10_Updates/FeatureUpdatePlays/update1.yml:5
>>>>> win_updates: running win_updates module
>>>>> Using module file 
>>>>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/win_updates.ps1
>>>>> Pipelining is enabled.
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: check win_updates results for automatic reboot: 
>>>>> {"updates": {"d8cbe3a9-bcf6-4b76-8e21-e6b063bdc2a9": {"id": 
>>>>> "d8cbe3a9-bcf6-4b76-8e21-e6b063bdc2a9", "title": "2020-07 Cumulative 
>>>>> Update 
>>>>> Preview for .NET Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 1909 for 
>>>>> x64 
>>>>> (KB4562900)", "categories": ["Updates", "Windows 10, version 1903 and 
>>>>> later"], "kb": ["4562900"], "installed": true}, 
>>>>> "d4ea5ecd-03e8-44d2-ada7-bd4fb61446ef": {"id": 
>>>>> "d4ea5ecd-03e8-44d2-ada7-bd4fb61446ef", "title": "2020-06 Security Update 
>>>>> for Adobe Flash Player for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems 
>>>>> (KB4561600)", "categories": ["Security Updates", "Windows 10, version 
>>>>> 1903 
>>>>> and later"], "kb": ["4561600"], "installed": true}, 
>>>>> "e596074e-3f2a-4ac5-b254-e37440d50c47": {"id": 
>>>>> "e596074e-3f2a-4ac5-b254-e37440d50c47", "title": "2020-07 Cumulative 
>>>>> Update 
>>>>> for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4565483)", 
>>>>> "categories": ["Security Updates"], "kb": ["4565483"], "installed": 
>>>>> true}, 
>>>>> "b3fb7000-1397-452f-81d3-4e9515450bfc": {"id": 
>>>>> "b3fb7000-1397-452f-81d3-4e9515450bfc", "title": "2020-01 Update for 
>>>>> Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4497165)", "categories": 
>>>>> ["Updates", "Windows 10, version 1903 and later"], "kb": ["4497165"], 
>>>>> "installed": true}}, "failed_update_count": 0, "found_update_count": 4, 
>>>>> "changed": true, "reboot_required": true, "installed_update_count": 4, 
>>>>> "filtered_updates": {}, "_ansible_parsed": true}
>>>>> win_updates: rebooting remote host after update install
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: rebooting server...
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: validating reboot
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> win_updates: attempting to get system boot time
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> win_updates: attempting post-reboot test command
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: system successfully rebooted
>>>>> win_updates: checking WUA is not busy with win_shell command
>>>>> Using module file 
>>>>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/win_shell.ps1
>>>>> Pipelining is enabled.
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: shell wait results: {"start": "2020-07-29 
>>>>> 09:06:41.805623", "stdout": "False\r\n", "cmd": "(New-Object -ComObject 
>>>>> Microsoft.Update.Session).CreateUpdateInstaller().IsBusy", "stderr": "", 
>>>>> "changed": true, "rc": 0, "delta": "0:00:04.001559", "end": "2020-07-29 
>>>>> 09:06:45.807182", "_ansible_parsed": true, "stdout_lines": ["False"], 
>>>>> "stderr_lines": []}
>>>>> win_updates: ensure the connection is up and running
>>>>> wait_for_connection: attempting ping module test
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> Using module file 
>>>>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/win_ping.ps1
>>>>> Pipelining is enabled.
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> win_updates: running win_updates module
>>>>> Using module file 
>>>>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/win_updates.ps1
>>>>> Pipelining is enabled.
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> changed: [win10-pro-4] => {
>>>>>     "changed": true,
>>>>>     "filtered_updates": {},
>>>>>     "found_update_count": 4,
>>>>>     "installed_update_count": 4,
>>>>>     "reboot_required": false,
>>>>>     "updates": {
>>>>>         "b3fb7000-1397-452f-81d3-4e9515450bfc": {
>>>>>             "categories": [
>>>>>                 "Updates",
>>>>>                 "Windows 10, version 1903 and later"
>>>>>             ],
>>>>>             "id": "b3fb7000-1397-452f-81d3-4e9515450bfc",
>>>>>             "installed": true,
>>>>>             "kb": [
>>>>>                 "4497165"
>>>>>             ],
>>>>>             "title": "2020-01 Update for Windows 10 Version 1909 for 
>>>>> x64-based Systems (KB4497165)"
>>>>>         },
>>>>>         "d4ea5ecd-03e8-44d2-ada7-bd4fb61446ef": {
>>>>>             "categories": [
>>>>>                 "Security Updates",
>>>>>                 "Windows 10, version 1903 and later"
>>>>>             ],
>>>>>             "id": "d4ea5ecd-03e8-44d2-ada7-bd4fb61446ef",
>>>>>             "installed": true,
>>>>>             "kb": [
>>>>>                 "4561600"
>>>>>             ],
>>>>>             "title": "2020-06 Security Update for Adobe Flash Player 
>>>>> for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4561600)"
>>>>>         },
>>>>>         "d8cbe3a9-bcf6-4b76-8e21-e6b063bdc2a9": {
>>>>>             "categories": [
>>>>>                 "Updates",
>>>>>                 "Windows 10, version 1903 and later"
>>>>>             ],
>>>>>             "id": "d8cbe3a9-bcf6-4b76-8e21-e6b063bdc2a9",
>>>>>             "installed": true,
>>>>>             "kb": [
>>>>>                 "4562900"
>>>>>             ],
>>>>>             "title": "2020-07 Cumulative Update Preview for .NET 
>>>>> Framework 3.5 and 4.8 for Windows 10 Version 1909 for x64 (KB4562900)"
>>>>>         },
>>>>>         "e596074e-3f2a-4ac5-b254-e37440d50c47": {
>>>>>             "categories": [
>>>>>                 "Security Updates"
>>>>>             ],
>>>>>             "id": "e596074e-3f2a-4ac5-b254-e37440d50c47",
>>>>>             "installed": true,
>>>>>             "kb": [
>>>>>                 "4565483"
>>>>>             ],
>>>>>             "title": "2020-07 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 
>>>>> Version 1909 for x64-based Systems (KB4565483)"
>>>>>         }
>>>>>     }
>>>>> }
>>>>> TASK [Ensure that WinRM is started when the system has settled] 
>>>>> **************************************************************
>>>>> task path: 
>>>>> /home/vagrant/ansible/win_10_Updates/FeatureUpdatePlays/update1.yml:23
>>>>> Using module file 
>>>>> /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ansible/modules/windows/win_service.ps1
>>>>> Pipelining is enabled.
>>>>> <win10-pro-4> ESTABLISH WINRM CONNECTION FOR USER: vagrant on PORT 
>>>>> 5986 TO win10-pro-4
>>>>> EXEC (via pipeline wrapper)
>>>>> ok: [win10-pro-4] => {
>>>>>     "can_pause_and_continue": false,
>>>>>     "changed": false,
>>>>>     "depended_by": [],
>>>>>     "dependencies": [
>>>>>         "RPCSS",
>>>>>         "HTTP"
>>>>>     ],
>>>>>     "description": "Windows Remote Management (WinRM) service 
>>>>> implements the WS-Management protocol for remote management. 
>>>>> WS-Management 
>>>>> is a standard web services protocol used for remote software and hardware 
>>>>> management. The WinRM service listens on the network for WS-Management 
>>>>> requests and processes them. The WinRM Service needs to be configured 
>>>>> with 
>>>>> a listener using winrm.cmd command line tool or through Group Policy in 
>>>>> order for it to listen over the network. The WinRM service provides 
>>>>> access 
>>>>> to WMI data and enables event collection. Event collection and 
>>>>> subscription 
>>>>> to events require that the service is running. WinRM messages use HTTP 
>>>>> and 
>>>>> HTTPS as transports. The WinRM service does not depend on IIS but is 
>>>>> preconfigured to share a port with IIS on the same machine.  The 
>>>>> WinRM service reserves the /wsman URL prefix. To prevent conflicts with 
>>>>> IIS, administrators should ensure that any websites hosted on IIS do not 
>>>>> use the /wsman URL prefix.",
>>>>>     "desktop_interact": false,
>>>>>     "display_name": "Windows Remote Management (WS-Management)",
>>>>>     "exists": true,
>>>>>     "name": "WinRM",
>>>>>     "path": "C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\svchost.exe -k NetworkService -p",
>>>>>     "start_mode": "delayed",
>>>>>     "state": "running",
>>>>>     "username": "NT AUTHORITY\\NetworkService"
>>>>> }
>>>>> META: ran handlers
>>>>> META: ran handlers
>>>>> *******************************************************************************************************************
>>>>> win10-pro-4                : ok=2    changed=1    unreachable=0    
>>>>> failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   
>>>>> Now when I run the playbook to find what updates are available it 
>>>>> shows none which is good. However, when I go to the windows 10 box it 
>>>>> shows 
>>>>> the downloads still pending. You can see in the screen shot. So I am not 
>>>>> sure how to get the windows 10 box to actually install them. 
>>>>> ...

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