Looks like you are running on macOS based on the paths in your 
ansible-playbook --version output. There is a known problem with running 
Ansible on macOS [1] where certain system calls on the forked Ansible 
process cause the process to get killed by the kernel. This is a pretty 
fundamental issue in how Ansible creates the forked processes and how macOS 
treats those processes. There's not much we can do right for a fix but 
setting the env var 'OBJC_DISABLE_INITIALIZE_FORK_SAFETY=yes' may "fix" the 
problem for now. There are cases where even this env var won't work but 
it's worth a try.

[1] - https://github.com/ansible/ansible/issues/32554
On Tuesday, September 1, 2020 at 3:41:51 AM UTC+10 guy...@gmail.com wrote:

> Hi!  I have a task which ends simply with:
> < TASK [pomerium : Put config file in place] >
>  --------------------------------------------
>         \   ^__^
>          \  (oo)\_______
>             (__)\       )\/\
>                 ||----w |
>                 ||     ||
> ERROR! A worker was found in a dead state
> Running with -vvvv has "mux_client_read_packet: read header failed: Broken 
> pipe\r\ndebug2: Received exit status from master 0", but doesn't seem to 
> reveal anything relevant otherwise.
> The task definitions is:
>   - name: Put config file in place
>     template:
>         src: "{{ ec2_tags['Tags']|selectattr('Key', 'equalto', 
> 'Role')|map(attribute='Value')|list|first }}.yaml.j2"
>         dest: /opt/pomerium/conf/pomerium.yaml
>         owner: root
>         group: root
>         mode: 0644
>         backup: yes
>     notify:
>         - restart pomerium
> I have put a debug in place:
>   - debug: msg="{{ ec2_tags['Tags']|selectattr('Key', 'equalto', 
> 'Role')|map(attribute='Value')|list|first }}.yaml.j2"
> Which gives:
> ok: [ec2-52-23-213-95.compute-1.amazonaws.com] => {
>     "msg": "pomauthn.yaml.j2"
> }
> So, it does not seem to be an issue with the jinja.
> Any thoughts on how to debug this would be greatly appreciated!!
> P.S. - 
> ansible-playbook --version
> ansible-playbook 2.9.12
>   config file = /Users/matz/Code/schransible/ansible.cfg
>   configured module search path = ['/Users/matz/.ansible/plugins/modules', 
> '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
>   ansible python module location = 
> /Users/matz/.virtualenvs/schransible/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
>   executable location = 
> /Users/matz/.virtualenvs/schransible/bin/ansible-playbook
>   python version = 3.8.5 (default, Jul 21 2020, 10:48:26) [Clang 11.0.3 
> (clang-1103.0.32.62)]

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