
I have this task and I can't for the life of me get it to keep the process 
running. I have added in some debug and it shows me the process is getting 
shutdown almost immediately after it is started up as can be seen by the 
end time in the output I have provided below. Please advise how I can fix 
this so that the process keeps on running as future tasks are performed.

  - hosts: nodes
    remote_user: root
    become_user: test
    become: true

      - name: execute startup script
        shell: nohup npm start > test.out 2>&1 &
        register: status
          chdir: "/apps/test/postcodes.io"
      - debug:
          var: status


TASK [execute startup script] 
changed: [host] => {"changed": true, "cmd": "nohup npm start > test.out 
2>&1 &", "delta": "0:00:00.006275", "end": "2020-09-03 12:37:51.797561", 
"rc": 0, "start": "2020-09-03 12:37:51.791286", "stderr": "", 
"stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}

TASK [debug] 
ok: [host] => {
    "status": {
        "changed": true,
        "cmd": "nohup npm start > test.out 2>&1 &",
        "delta": "0:00:00.006275",
        "end": "2020-09-03 12:37:51.797561",
        "failed": false,
        "rc": 0,
        "start": "2020-09-03 12:37:51.791286",
        "stderr": "",
        "stderr_lines": [],
        "stdout": "",
        "stdout_lines": []

If I go on to the host and run it manually it works:

host:APACHE > nohup npm start > host.out 2>&1 &
[1]     45428
host:APACHE > ps -ef | grep node
user   45439 45428  3 12:54 pts/2    00:00:00 node server.js

Any help much appreciated.

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