Hi Tony,

On Montag, 26. Oktober 2020 18:34:50 CET Tony Wong wrote:
> answer file
> esxi_hostname: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'

^ you are setting esxi_hostname to inventory_hostname.

> esxi_root_user: 'root'
> esxi_root_pass: 'xxx'
> new_esx_local_root_user: 'root'
> new_esx_local_root_pass: 'yyy'
> -------------------------------------------------
> playbook file
> ---
> - name: "change the root password"
>   hosts: localhost

^ you connect to localhost, so inventory_hostname = localhost

Ansible does not care which hosts are in your inventory, inventory_hostname is 
always the host the task is run on/for.

>   tasks:
>     - name: "change root pass"
>       community.vmware.vmware_local_user_manager:
>        hostname: " {{ esxi_hostname }}"
>        username: " {{ esxi_root_user }}"
>        password: " {{ esxi_root_pass }}"
>        local_user_name: "{{ new_esx_local_root_user }}"
>        local_user_password: "{{ new_esx_local_root_pass }}"
>        state: present
>        validate_certs: no
>     - name: print results
>       debug: msg=" {{ result }}"
>   vars_files:
>     - answerfile.yml

try something like:

- hosts: esx
    - name: foo
        baz: blah
      delegate_to: localhost

Then the task should be run once for each host, but always on localhost.


Sebastian Meyer
Linux Consultant & Trainer
´Mail: me...@b1-systems.de

B1 Systems GmbH
Osterfeldstraße 7 / 85088 Vohburg / http://www.b1-systems.de
GF: Ralph Dehner / Unternehmenssitz: Vohburg / AG: Ingolstadt,HRB 3537

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