I am practising writing ansible playbook using Network automation docker 
container in GNS3. After running below playbook, only the output of first 
command is saved (show version) and i don't see the 2nd command's output in 
file. This happens for any command i run.

Am i doing something wrong or should i export the .txt file to a windows PC 
to view the complete output?  

(formatting below is not in proper order while pasting here but playbook 
has the correct format)

- name: Backup few config from Cisco router
hosts: R1
gather_facts: false
connection: local

- name: run multiple commands on remote nodes
- show ip arp
- show version

register: print_output

- debug: var=print_output.stdout_lines

- name: save output to a file
copy: content="{{ print_output.stdout[0] }}" dest="./output/R1.txt"

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