
I'm running Tower 3.8.2 and Ansible 2.9.18 on RHEL 8 VM.   Along side of 
GitLab  13.10.2 on another VM. 

Both instances have a Hashicorp Vault hosted CA and cert applied (GitLab, 
has a nginx reverse proxy in front of it which is SSL terminated). 

However, when adding a new project and add in the git repo where the role 
is defined (pointing to the local gitlab instance, I run into SSL cert 

*"cmd": "/usr/bin/git clone --origin origin 

results in:

*'https://gitlab.basement.lab/ansible/update-and-reboot.git/': SSL 
certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate\n"*

I have added my ca_chain.pem to /etc/pki/ca-trust/source/anchors/ and ran 
the update-ca-trust ... the ca_chain.pem does show in 

Is there another step or place where I need to include the CA chain to get 
git accept the certification WITHOUT having to turn off SSL verification?  
If I need to turn off SSL I rather do it as a last resort.


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