The use case is to run a specific task once over all hosts only when at 
least one host failed the previous task.

It could be something like:

        - name: How to list a subelement from hostvars for all 
          gather_facts: True
          hosts: all
          strategy: debug
                - name: Run first task
                  include_tasks: "task.yml"
                  register: return_task
                  ignore_errors: yes

                - name: Run second task when first task has failed on at 
least one playing host
                        msg: "first task has failed on at least one of: {{ 
ansible_play_hosts }}"
                  when: ansible_play_hosts | map('extract', hostvars, 
'return_task.failed') | list is any

The conditional makes the last task fail with:
'ansible.vars.hostvars.HostVarsVars object' has no attribute 

Any suggestion to correct the conditional?

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