I have a playbook that is being included in a role I'm creating:

- name: Set up permissions
  include_tasks: sitepermissions.yml
  loop: "{{ folders }}"

In sitepermissions.yml, I'm trying to define a block:

  - name: Create Temp Area
      - name: Create {{ folders.site }} Temp Directory
          path: "/path/to/temp"
          state: directory
          mode: 0750
          owner: root
          group: "{{ folders.group }}"

      - name: Set sticky bit on {{ folders.site }} Temp Directory
          path: "/path/to/temp"
          state: directory
          mode: g+s

      - name: Set ACL on {{ folders.site }} EFSTS Directory
          path: "/path/to/temp"
          entity: "{{ sitegroup }}"
          etype: group
          permissions: rx
          default: yes
          state: present

    when: "{{ folders.createtemp }}" | bool

When the playbook runs, I get the error:
(<unknown>): did not find expected comment or line break while scanning a 
block scalar at line 1220 column 32

Any ideas on what could be wrong with my block statement?


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