Thanks Brian

Not quite sure I understand, it's the output I'm trying to get (more of)  
to understand why it's failing.

In case it helps at all

Here's the play 2 created that it fails on. This is fine to run directly 
through ansible-playbook, just not through that play1 

- hosts: nott
  become: yes
    - /$LINUX_PLAYBOOKS/paperless/mont_nott_vars.yml
    # - geerlingguy.postgresql
    - paperless-ng
    # - geerlingguy.nginx

Here's the section of play 1
  # post_tasks:
  - name: run the play - $LINUX_PLAYBOOKS/paperless/{{play_filename}}
    import_playbook: $LINUX_PLAYBOOKS/paperless/{{play_filename}}
    register: playoutput
    ignore_errors: yes
    # delegate_to:
    become: yes
    # debugger: on_failed

  - name: get debug output
      var: playoutput

Does that help, or is there something else I can run to get more detail 
from that mysterious " See stdout/stderr for the exact error"
That's what the debug var playoutput should provide isn't it ??

On Friday, 25 June 2021 at 15:18:51 UTC+1 Brian Coca wrote:

> The import would not fail with connection issues, no connection is
> involved, what is failing is a task, but you are not providing enough
> output to determine which task it is.
> -- 
> ----------
> Brian Coca

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