Check kron module, it's similar to at.

On Mon, 23 Aug, 2021, 6:19 am Vikram S, <> wrote:

> Hi Erik,
> no, i wanted to schedule a script to be run on a cisco switch/firewall
> (network device). i don't think 'at' module can be installed on a network
> device.
> so is there any other way i can schedule script to be run in device in
> below format?
> 2960 switch-1 - run 2960upgrade.yaml - run at 2:30 pm
> 3650 switch - 3650upgrade.yaml - run at 3:30 pm
> 2960 switch-2 - 2960upgrade.yaml - run at 4:30 pm
> Thanks,
> Vikram
> On Sunday, 22 August, 2021 at 2:57:05 am UTC+5:30 Erik Godding Boye wrote:
>> Is *at* installed on your hosts?
>> On Sat, Aug 21, 2021 at 11:10 PM Vikram S <> wrote:
>>> I tried to schdule a script to be run at a particular time as per the
>>> instruction in documentation for 'at' module. However iam getting below
>>> error. Not sure what iam doing wrong, please guide.
>>> First, i wrote a script which references another script that need to be
>>> executed in 5 minutes. Both scripts are in same directory. However when i
>>> run this script, it shows below error:
>>> i wonder if 'hosts: TESTFIREWALL' is needed as iam not running this
>>> script on a remote host but i tried adding and removing it yet got error on
>>> both occassions.
>>> ---
>>> - name: PLAYBOOK
>>>   hosts: TESTFIREWALL
>>>   serial: 1
>>>   gather_facts: false
>>>   connection: network_cli
>>>   vars:
>>>     ansible_network_os: asa
>>>   tasks:
>>>     - name: Schedule a command to execute in 2 minutes
>>>       at:
>>>         script_file: firewallrules.yaml
>>>         count: 2
>>>         units: minutes
>>> ERROR:
>>> TASK [Schedule a command to execute in 5 minutes]
>>> *******************************************************************************************************************************************
>>> fatal: [TESTFIREWALL]: FAILED! => {"ansible_facts":
>>> {"discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python"}, "changed": false,
>>> "msg": "Failed to find required executable at in paths:
>>> /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"}
>>> Below is the firewallrules.yaml script that is referenced in above
>>> script:
>>> ---
>>> - name: PLAYBOOK
>>>   hosts: TESTFIREWALL
>>>   serial: 1
>>>   gather_facts: false
>>>   connection: network_cli
>>>   vars:
>>>     ansible_network_os: asa
>>>   tasks:
>>>     - name: Gather all legacy facts
>>>       cisco.asa.asa_facts:
>>>         gather_subset: hardware
>>> Thanks,
>>> Vikram
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