> On 10/15/2021 7:05 PM Brian Coca <bc...@redhat.com> wrote:
> A simple solution is to 'alter' the failure condition:
>    - name: stop postgresql.service from systemd if running
>       service:
>         name: postgresql.service
>         state: stopped
>       become: yes
>       register: psql_result
>       failed_when: psql_result is failed and 'Could not find the
> requested service postgresql.service' not in psql_result['msg']
> Now it will only fail for reasons that are not 'the service is missing'

it took a bit of fiddeling with the indentation (not being transalted nicely to 
the website view of the mailing list) but finally this combination works (in 
terms of not producing any error on running the playbook). 

  - name: gather service facts

  - name: return postgres running or not
      msg: "{{ ansible_facts.services.postgresql | default({ 'state' : 
'absent'}) }}"
  - name: stop postgresql.service from systemd if running
      name: postgresql.service
      state: stopped
    become: yes
    register: psql_result
    failed_when: psql_result is failed and 'Could not find the requested 
service postgresql..service' not in psql_result['msg']

I have not finish the entire installation, so I can not yet say whether in 
works on the entire context yet.

nevertheless tx all of you for the suggestions

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