sorry to hear the loopdid not help.
Generally I believe it is better to reply to the group and not to the correspondent personally (probably not even intended)

On 04.03.22 09:44, Arc Tangente wrote:
Thanks for your help.

I changed '*with_items*' for '*loop*', as proposed. _It does not resolve the issue_.
By the way 'with_items' works well in another task in another role.

*About the indentation*, it is _because of the email formating_… (sorry)
'become, become_user, args, command, run_once, delegate_to and with_items' *are aligned with* 'name' (not with - )
'creates and chdir' *have two more spaces* _compared to_ 'args'.

Le jeudi 3 mars 2022 à 20:59:43 UTC+1, a écrit :

    - name: "mediawiki configuration"
     become: yes
     become_user: "apache"
       creates: "{{mediawiki_directory}}/LocalSettings.php"    # =>
       chdir: "{{mediawiki_maintenance_directory}}"            # =>
    /var/www/html/mediawiki/maintenance (contient install.php !!)
       php install.php --scriptpath /{{mediawiki_name}} --dbname
    mediawiki --lang fr --dbuser {{mediawiki_db_user}} --dbpass
    {{mediawiki_db_password}} --pass {{mediawiki_admin_password}}
    --dbserver {{mediawiki_db_host}} {{mediawiki_title}} {{mediawi
     run_once: yes
     delegate_to: "{{item}}"
    *with_items: "{{groups.apache}}" *

    have you tried loop instead of with_items? something like:

      run_once: yes
      delegate_to: "{{item}}"
        - "{{groups.apache}}" *

    if I am not mistaken with_items is deprecated?

    also the indentation looks a bit suspicious, or is that just the
    email formatting?

    On 03.03.22 11:46, Arc Tangente wrote:


    I start this playbook install-mediawiki.yml, the first role is
    executed without problems.

    The second role has 4 tasks, executed fully the 2 first of them,
    but has suddently an issue: the name of the node is not resolved
    *I do not know why*.

    I have installed ansible in a virtual python environment and_
    *defines the inventory so*_:
    (ansible2.7.10) user-ansible@node-manager:~$ cat inventaire.ini


    /etc/hosts in each node contains this:
    (ansible2.7.10) user-ansible@node-manager:~$ cat /etc/hosts
    …   http2   bdd2

    *The SSH connexion works withe key*, the public keys are in the

    _*Here is a ping test:*_
    (ansible2.7.10) user-ansible@node-manager:~$ ansible -i
    inventaire.ini all -m ping
    bdd2 | SUCCESS => {
       "changed": false,
       "ping": "pong"
    http2 | SUCCESS => {
       "changed": false,
       "ping": "pong"

    *The playbook*:
    (ansible2.7.10) user-ansible@node-manager:~$ cat

    - name: "mediaWiki db configuration"
     hosts: db
     gather_facts: no
     tags: [ "mariadb", "mysql" ]
       - role: "mediawiki/confdb"

    - name: "MediaWiki apache configuration"
     hosts: apache
     gather_facts: no
     tags: "apache"
       - role: "mediawiki/confapache"

    _*The role mediawiki/confapache/tasks/main.yml*_:
    (some informations about install.php
    (ansible2.7.10) user-ansible@node-manager:~$ cat
    # ~/roles/mediawiki/confapache/tasks/main.yml

    #1. Creation of the directory Mediawiki
    - name: "mediawiki directory"
       path: "{{mediawiki_directory}}"     # => /var/www/html/mediawiki
       owner: "apache"
       group: "apache"
       state: directory

    #2. Unarchiving of the archive Mediawiki and change the name
    - name: "uncompress mediawiki archive"
       src: "{{mediawiki_archive_url}}"    # => https://releases…
       dest: "{{mediawiki_directory}}"     # => /var/www/html/mediawiki
       owner: "apache"
       group: "apache"
       remote_src: yes
         # delete mediawiki-1.xx.x/ in the filesname
       extra_opts: --transform=s/mediawiki-[0-9\.]*\///

    #3. executes the task with the user apache, we move in the
    diectory maintenance if
     localsetting.php doesn't exist.
    - name: "mediawiki configuration"
     become: yes
     become_user: "apache"
       creates: "{{mediawiki_directory}}/LocalSettings.php"    # =>
       chdir: "{{mediawiki_maintenance_directory}}"            # =>
    /var/www/html/mediawiki/maintenance (contient install.php
       php install.php --scriptpath /{{mediawiki_name}} --dbname
    mediawiki --lang fr --dbuser {{mediawiki_db_user}} --dbpass {
    {mediawiki_db_password}} --pass {{mediawiki_admin_password}}
    --dbserver {{mediawiki_db_host}} {{mediawiki_title}} {{mediawi
     run_once: yes
     delegate_to: "{{item}}"
     with_items: "{{groups.apache}}"

    #4. executes this task with the user apache, we move to the
    directory 'maintenance' and execute a command to udate.
    jour de la base une seule fois
    - name: "mediawiki db update"
     become: yes
     become_user: "apache"
     command: php update.php --quick
       chdir: "{{mediawiki_maintenance_directory}}"            # =>
    /var/www/html/mediawiki/maintenance (contient install.php
     run_once: yes
     register: resultat
     changed_when: "' ...done.' in resultat.stdout"

    _*And then the issue*_:
    (ansible2.7.10) user-ansible@node-manager:~$ ansible-playbook -i
    inventaire.ini --user user-ansible --become --ask-become-pass
    --ask-vault-pass install-mediawiki.yml
    SUDO password:
    Vault password:

    PLAY [mediaWiki db configuration]

    TASK [mediawiki/confdb : mediawiki database]
    *ok: [bdd2]*

    TASK [mediawiki/confdb : mediawiki user+privileges]
    *ok: [bdd2] => (item=['http2'])*

    PLAY [MediaWiki apache configuration]

    TASK [mediawiki/confapache : mediawiki directory]
    *ok: [http2]*

    TASK [mediawiki/confapache : uncompress mediawiki archive]
    *ok: [http2]*

    TASK [mediawiki/confapache : mediawiki configuration]
    failed: [http2] (item=['http2']) => {"item": "['http2']", "msg":
    "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve
    hostname ['http2']: Name or service not known", "unreachable": true}
    fatal: [http2]: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "All
    items completed", "results": [{"_ansible_ignore_errors": null,
    "_ansible_item_label": "['http2']", "_ansible_item_result": true,
    "item": "['http2']", "msg": "Failed to connect to the h
    ost via ssh: ssh: Could not resolve hostname ['http2']: Name or
    service not known", "unreachable": true}]}

           to retry, use: --limit

    bdd2                      : *ok=2*  changed=0    unreachable=0
    *http2***                    : *ok=2*  changed=0 unreachable=1

    *Why is the node http2 suddently unreachable, although it was
    reachable ?*

    Thanks for your help.

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