Let's suppose I run a playbook as a non-root user and one task needs to 
include a vars file with only root permissions.
The ansible.builtin.include_vars official doc 
states that:the 'become' attribute is not supported but "Is usable 
alongside become keywords", which seems to contradict the fact that it is 
I tried to use the become vars but that does not work either:
        - name: Including vars issue
          hosts: all
          gather_facts: false
                - name: Creating a file with root-only permissions 
                        ansible_become: yes
                        ansible_become_method: sudo
                        ansible_become_user: root
                        group: 'root'
                        mode: '0640'
                        owner: 'root'
                        path: "../files/restricted_file"
                        state: touch

                - name: Including vars with root-only permissions
                        ansible_become: yes
                        ansible_become_method: sudo
                        ansible_become_user: root
                  include_vars: "../files/restricted_file"
                  ignore_errors: true

                - name: Including vars with non-root user permissions
                        ansible_become: yes
                        ansible_become_method: sudo
                        ansible_become_user: admin
                  include_vars: "../files/capabilities.json"
leads to:
        < TASK [Creating a file with root-only permissions] >
                \   ^__^
                 \  (oo)\_______
                    (__)\       )\/\
                        ||----w |
                        ||     ||

        changed: [localhost] => changed=true 
          dest: ../files/restricted_file
          gid: 0
          group: root
          mode: '0640'
          owner: root
          size: 0
          state: file
          uid: 0
        < TASK [Including vars with root-only permissions] >
                \   ^__^
                 \  (oo)\_______
                    (__)\       )\/\
                        ||----w |
                        ||     ||

        fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => changed=false 
          ansible_facts: {}
          ansible_included_var_files: []
          message: 'an error occurred while trying to read the file 
''playbooks/issues/../files/restricted_file'': [Errno 13] Permission 
denied: b''playbooks/files/restricted_file''. [Errno 13] Permission denied: 
        < TASK [Including vars with non-root user permissions] >
                \   ^__^
                 \  (oo)\_______
                    (__)\       )\/\
                        ||----w |
                        ||     ||

        ok: [localhost] => changed=false 

I'm probably missing something here; how can we work around this limitation?

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