I'm trying to change the order of the two pools assigned to my F5 GTM wide 
IP.  I have a playbook and with this playbook I'm able to change the load 
balance method but when I change the order for the pools nothing happens.  
I don't get an error it just doesn't change anything.  Has anyone else had 
this experience.

    - name: Change pool order
        pool_lb_method: global-availability
        name: wide-ip-1
        type: a
          - name: pool-1  -----> pool-1 is currently set to order of 0
            order: 1
          - name: pool-2
            order: 0  -----> pool-2 is currently set to order of 1
            server_port: 443
            server: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
            validate_certs: no
      delegate_to: localhost

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