hi ,

i'm trying to value of one yaml file1 with another file2 which has list of 
dict and if element if file1 matched with key/value of file2 then need to 
use value of file1 need to use as a key of file2 and return value of it...

not sure how we can leverage "when" condition or might any other way around 


*site: CL1*


*site_int:   -     CL1:       as: 6500X      int: ethernet1/1      peer_ip: 
X.X.X.X/X    EL1:       as: 65063      int: loopback.66      peer_ip: 

*playbook: *

*     - name: site_facts           set_fact:                   sites: 
"{{item}}"           loop: "{{ site_int) }}"         - name: debug          
 debug:                   msg: "{{sites['site']}}"           when: "site in 

*error: *

*fatal: [CL1]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 'site in 
sites.key()' failed. The error was: error while evaluating conditional 
(site in sites.key()): 'dict object' has no attribute 'key'\n\nThe error 
appears to be in '/etc/ansible/aws/test_site.yaml': *

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