You're so close. You're passing in a list as a single item. Instead of

    - "{{ found_files.files | map(attribute='path') | map('basename') | list }}"

do this:

  loop: "{{ found_files.files | map(attribute='path') | map('basename') | list 

On 9/19/22 10:06 AM, dulhaver via Ansible Project wrote:
I manage to get something like this from a set_fact following the find TASK

TASK [creating a list with the filenames] 
task path: 
ok: [] => {
     "ansible_facts": {
         "env_files": [
     "changed": false

so, it looks I would be getting closer, but obviousely need to fond a way to 
feed this as single items into a koop pf a fetch TASK. At the moment this is 
bein interpreted as one long string

     "item": [
     "msg": "the remote file does not exist, not transferring, ignored"

which to no big surprise isn't recognized as what it should by the fetch TASK

here is the entire part of the playbook addressing the fetching
# TASKS for fetching all .env files from a Postgres DBaaS Machine

- name: finding all .pg-*.env files from the server
     paths: "/opt/db/postgres/bin"
     hidden: true
     recurse: true
     file_type: any
     patterns: '*pg-service1*.env'
   register: found_files
   become: true

- name: creating a list with the filenames
     env_files: "{{ found_files.files | map(attribute='path') }}"

- name: fetch all .env files into a "fetched" folder on Ansible machine
     src: "/opt/db/postgres/bin/{{ item }}"
     dest: fetched/
     flat: true
   become: yes
     - "{{ found_files.files | map(attribute='path') | map('basename') | list 


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