Thank you so much, I appreciated

On Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 11:36:31 PM UTC+3 wrote:

> "users" is an array of three things. So you have to either iterate over 
> the array as with something like "loop:", or index it as with 
> "users[0]['username']", "users[0]['homedirectory']", "users[0]['shell']", 
> or use some sort of filter that does the iteration for you and selects list 
> items that match some criterion. For example:
> *- name: Extract matches for 'test'*
> *  debug:**    msg: "User {{ item.username }} has homedirectory {{ 
> item.homedir }} and shell {{ }}"*
> *  loop: "{{ users | selectattr('username', 'equalto', 'test') }}"*
> produces this:
> TASK [Extract matches for 'test'] 
> ************************************************************************************************
> ok: [localhost] => (item={'username': 'test', 'homedir': '/home/test', 
> 'shell': '/bin/bash'}) => {
>     "msg": "*User test has homedirectory /home/test and shell /bin/bash*"
> }
> On 9/17/22 2:25 PM, Ahmed Elhusseini wrote:
> yes, it does. Thank you. 
> but I have a question why I cannot use this:
> ---
> - name: show arrays
>   hosts:
>   vars_files:
>     - /home/ansible/rhce8/lesson5/arrays/vars/users
>   tasks:
>     - name: print array values
>       debug:
>         msg: "User {{ users.test.username }} has homedirectory {{ 
> users.test.homedir }} and shell {{ }}"
> On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 9:18:22 PM UTC+3 
> wrote:
> Does this help?
>> *$ cat arrays.yml*
>> ---
>> - name: show arrays
>>   hosts: localhost
>>   vars:
>>     users:
>>       - username: test
>>         homedir: /home/test
>>         shell: /bin/bash
>>       - username: test1
>>         homedir: /home/test1
>>         shell: /bin/bash
>>       - username: test2
>>         homedir: /home/test2
>>         shell: /bin/bash
>>   tasks:
>>     - name: print array values
>>       debug:
>>         msg: "User {{ item.username }} has homedirectory {{ item.homedir 
>> }} and shell {{ }}"
>>       loop: "{{ users }}"
>> *$ ansible-playbook arrays.yml*
>> PLAY [show arrays] 
>> ***************************************************************************************************************
>> TASK [Gathering Facts] 
>> ***********************************************************************************************************
>> ok: [localhost]
>> TASK [print array values] 
>> ********************************************************************************************************
>> ok: [localhost] => (item={'username': 'test', 'homedir': '/home/test', 
>> 'shell': '/bin/bash'}) => {
>>     "msg": "User test has homedirectory /home/test and shell /bin/bash"
>> }
>> ok: [localhost] => (item={'username': 'test1', 'homedir': '/home/test1', 
>> 'shell': '/bin/bash'}) => {
>>     "msg": "User test1 has homedirectory /home/test1 and shell /bin/bash"
>> }
>> ok: [localhost] => (item={'username': 'test2', 'homedir': '/home/test2', 
>> 'shell': '/bin/bash'}) => {
>>     "msg": "User test2 has homedirectory /home/test2 and shell /bin/bash"
>> }
>> ***********************************************************************************************************************
>> localhost                  : ok=2    changed=0    unreachable=0   
>>  failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0
>> On Thursday, September 15, 2022 at 1:48:14 PM UTC-4 
>> wrote:
>>> cat vars/users
>>> users:
>>>   - username: test
>>>     homedir: /home/test
>>>     shell: /bin/bash
>>>   - username: test1
>>>     homedir: /home/test1
>>>     shell: /bin/bash
>>>   - username: test2
>>>     homedir: /home/test2
>>>     shell: /bin/bash
>>> cat arrays.yaml
>>> ---
>>> - name: show arrays
>>>   hosts: ansible1
>>>   vars_files:
>>>     - vars/users
>>>   tasks:
>>>     - name: print array values
>>>       debug:
>>>         msg: "User {{ users.test.username }} has homedirectory {{ 
>>> users.test.homedir }} and shell {{ }}"
>>> ~ 
>>> I got the error below:
>>> fatal: [ansible1]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The task includes an option with 
>>> an undefined variable. The error was: 'list object' has no attribute 
>>> 'test'\n\nThe error appears to be in '/home/ansible/arrays.yml': line 7, 
>>> column 7, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax 
>>> problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n  tasks:\n    - name: 
>>> print array values\n      ^ here\n"}

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