Does your "register: file_stat" needs to be moved up to the file task?

Walter Rowe, Division Chief
Infrastructure Services, OISM
Mobile: 202.355.4123

On Jan 17, 2023, at 1:13 PM, Matthew Franco <> wrote:

with what I am doing shouldn't file_stat get registered as part of the loop? 
What am I doing wrong?

I get the following error when trying to run my script below:

PLAY [Download and install RPMs from a local directory] ************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Create directory if it does not exist] ***********************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Download RPMs] ***********************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"msg": "The conditional check 
'file_stat.stat.exists == False' failed. The error was: error while evaluating 
conditional (file_stat.stat.exists == False): 'file_stat' is undefined\n\nThe 
error appears to be in '/home/pvs/Build/playbooks/DownloadRPM.yml': line 17, 
column 5, but may\nbe elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax 
problem.\n\nThe offending line appears to be:\n\n      mode: 0755\n  - name: 
Download RPMs\n    ^ here\n"}

My script:

- name: Download and install RPMs from a local directory
  hosts: all
    - rpms.yml
  - name: Create directory if it does not exist
      path: /home/pvs/Build/data
      state: directory
      mode: 0755
  - name: Download RPMs
      name: "{{ item }}"
      state: present
      enablerepo: "*"
      dest: /home/pvs/Build/data/
    with_items: "{{ rpms }}"
    when: file_stat.stat.exists == False
    register: file_stat
  - name: Install RPMs from local directory
      name:  /home/pvs/Build/data/{{ item }} .x86_64.rpm
      state: present
      installroot: /home/pvs/Build/data
      enablerepo: "*"
      allowdowngrade: yes
    with_items: "{{ rpms }}"
    register: yum_result
  - name: check if package installation failed
      msg: "RPM {{ }} failed with error {{ item.rc }}"
    with_items: "{{ yum_result.results }}"
    when: item.rc != 0

This Ansible script loads the list of RPMs to download from a separate file 
called "rpms.yml" using the vars_files directive. This file should be in the 
same directory as the playbook and should be in YAML format.
The file should contain a list of RPMs names like this:

  - file1
  - file2
  - file3

Background on my script:
This Ansible script first uses the yum command to download the RPMs to a local 
directory, it will also check if the file already exists in the directory 
before downloading it, if it already exists it will skip the downloading task. 
Once all the files are downloaded, it will use the yum command again to install 
the RPMs from the local directory.
Please make sure to provide the correct path to the directory where you want to 
store the RPMs, and the correct file names in the rpms.yml file.

any help would be appreciated.
Thank you

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