Last week I said, "If somebody knows how to do it I'd love to see your 
solution." Well, I found the solution hiding in plain sight in
and it boils down to this one-liner:

*    q('vars', *q('varnames', '^group_comment_'))*

That asterisk isn't a typo; it's Python argument list unpacking 
I had not appreciated how that could be used in Jinja expressions, but 
there it is.

On Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 12:01:22 PM UTC-5 Todd Lewis wrote:
I see what you want, but it isn't possible. From each host's perspective, 
the `group_comment` variable will have the value as set in whichever one of 
that host's groups where the group name sorts last, as that's the last one 
loaded. So it is consistent, just not a solution to your problem.

You can work around it if you want to go to the trouble. Say you have 
groups named gr1, gr2, gr3, etc. Within each group, put that group's 
comment in a variable called `group_comment_<group_name>`, i.e. 
`group_comment_gr1`, `group_comment_gr2`, `group_comment_gr3`, etc.

Then do something like the following to create a `group_comments` list for 
each host.

    - name: Create a list of group_comment_* variable names
        # Two different ways to do it.
        group_comment_names_a: "{{ ['group_comment_'] | 
product(vars.group_names) | map('join') | flatten }}"
        group_comment_names_b: "{{ query('ansible.builtin.varnames', 
'^group_comment_.+') }}"

    - name: Join group_comment_* into a list
        group_comments: |
            {% set gclist = [] %}
            {% for gcn in group_comment_names_a %}
            {% set _ = gclist.append(query('ansible.builtin.vars', gcn)) %}
            {% endfor %}{{ gclist | flatten }}

I tried lots of different ways to invoke `ansible.builtin.vars` on a list 
using "normal" jinja pipelines before resorting to the old-school for loop 
above. If somebody knows how to do it I'd love to see your solution.

Anyway, you end up with each host having a list containing each comment 
from each of its groups. But I somehow doubt that solves your problem 
either. It's still a host-centric view of your group comments.
On Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 3:21:42 AM UTC-5 wrote:
Hello all,
i use Ansible to document and manage a small network of computers and other 
devices. So I bulit an inventory with several groups and hosts and defined 
a bunch of variables  on each level to describe what i want to achieve,  
Each host and each group has for example a variable named `host_comment` or 
`group_comment` respectively.

This is very useful on the host level, but i want to show the group 
variables separately in a loop over all groups.

I can show a group variable via `hostvars[host].group_comment`but because 
every hosts belongs to several groups i cannot control, whicht name is 

This template
{% for group in groups  if  group != 'ungrouped' %}
  {% for host in groups[group] %}
  {% if loop.first %}{% set hvh = hostvars[host] %}
  {{ group }}     {{ hvh.group_comment }}
  {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

  all     Nicht per Ansible erreichbare Maschinen, aber sie sollen durch 
(Meta-) Variablen doukmentiert werden
  lxc_container     Alle Hosts in FM 174 (soweit Ansible-fähig)
  fm174     Alle Hosts in FM 174 (soweit Ansible-fähig)
  hetzner     Alle Hosts bei Hetzner (cloud)
  controllable     Alle Hosts in FM 174 (soweit Ansible-fähig)
  virtual_FM174     Virtuelle Ansible Hosts in FM174
  virtual_ansible_hosts     Nicht per Ansible erreichbare Maschinen, aber 
sie sollen durch (Meta-) Variablen doukmentiert werden

I think it is visible that this result makes no sense.

Can anyone help here ?

Thanks a lot !


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