
I need to collect some info from VMs in our VMware cluster and am having
trouble figuring out how to print only the information I need.
When running the code below:

       - name: collect VMs in specific folder
              validate_certs: False
              hostname: "{{ vcenter_hostname }}"
              username: "{{ vcenter_username }}"
              password: "{{ vcenter_passwd }}"
              folder: "{{ vcenter_folder }}"
         delegate_to: localhost
         register: vm_info

       - name: print VM info
            msg: "{{ item['guest_name'] }}"
         with_items: "{{ vm_info.virtual_machines }}"

I'm getting this result:

TASK [print VM info]
ok: [localhost] => (item={'guest_name': 'rhel8tst', 'guest_fullname': 'Red
Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (64-bit)', 'power_state': 'poweredOn', 'ip_address':
'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', 'mac_address': ['xxx'], 'uuid':
'422c523e-7bb0-1f95-1c16-742c30ba445d', 'vm_network': {'xxx': {'ipv4':
['xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'], 'ipv6': ['xxx']}}, 'esxi_hostname': '.xxxx',
'datacenter': 'xxxx', 'cluster': 'xxxxx', 'resource_pool': None,
'attributes': {}, 'tags': [], 'folder': None, 'moid': 'vm-502018',
'datastore_url': [{'name': 'xxxx', 'url': 'xxx'}], 'allocated': {}}) => {
    "msg": "rhel8tst"

How could I have (in this case) only the VM name "rhel8tst" printed out?

Thanks a lot,


[image: Edmonton_sig_RGB_S.jpg]

Alex Wanderley

Application and Infrastructure Analyst II
Server Solutions & Automation

Financial and Corporate Services | Open City and Technology

780-496-4156  Office

780-819-0273  Mobile

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