I am trying to retrieve the version number of the installed executable. The 
complete path exists, the file has executable permissions, but I am 
encountering a 127 error, indicating that the file does not exist. Have I 
missed something?
*Here is the code that I have:*
- set_fact: remote_version: "{{ lookup('ansible.builtin.pipe', '/home/' + 
username + '/program/executable_file' + ' --version') }}"

*The error that I am getting:*fatal: [xxx.yyy.zzz.fff]: FAILED! => {"msg": 
"An unhandled exception occurred while running the lookup plugin 
'ansible.builtin.pipe'. Error was a <class 'ansible.errors.AnsibleError'>, 
original message: lookup_plugin.pipe(/home/BreadPitt/program/executable 
--version) returned 127. lookup_plugin.pipe( 
/home/BreadPitt/program/executable   --version) returned 127"}

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