Hi Team,

This mail is regarding the CPU utilization of the Ansible 


I have a Centos (version 8) Machine where Ansible is installed ( 4CPU and 
16GB RAM) Executing 2 to 3 parallel calls takes up to 100% CPU

Help us to know if any optimization can be done here


Setup details 

*Machine where Ansible is installed*

Centos 8 

Ansible version 

ansible [core 2.11.12]

  config file = None

  configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', 

  ansible python module location = 

  ansible collection location = 

  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible

  python version = 3.7.16 (default, May  3 2023, 10:58:47) [GCC 11.2.1 

  jinja version = 3.1.2

  libyaml = False

*pywinRM version *


*remote host details *

windows 2019 4CPU and 16 GB RAM


*Command used to Execute *

ansible-playbook -i /tmp/ansible_adapter/inventory/hostinventory 
 ./helloworld.yaml -vvv

we use NTLM way of Authentication to Windows host

Play book is written like this

Play book is written like this
- hosts: all
    - name: Execute the executable
      win_command: helloworld.exe
      register: host_output
    - set_fact:
        result: "{{ host_output.stdout }}"
        err_details: "{{ host_output.stderr }}"
        cacheable: yes
    - debug:
        var: host_output.stdout_lines





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