Hi Todd,

Reason i didn't follow confluent playbook is because i had to develop by 
our own for customized services. Obviously i can take hind out of it.

Second thing why i did nt use systemd is because playbook is getting bigger 
but yeah u made good point i forgot to enable the serivce(by the way its 
there in that shell script i m running to check services its all in one)

I would like to appreciate you on suggesting ansible-lint i knew but never 
thaught of using but seems now its the time.

Last thing how do I appreciate your replies/time please let me know. Your 
responses encourages people to use ansible more and more.

Obviously its hard to remember syntax some shorthand tricks when u dont use 
that tool for 3 months but your replies made it easy.

On Friday, July 14, 2023 at 1:05:55 AM UTC+5:30 Todd Lewis wrote:

> Any reason you don't want to follow 
> https://docs.confluent.io/ansible/current/overview.html ("Ansible 
> Playbooks for Confluent Platform")?
> It's not clear how you got zookeeper and friends installed on these hosts 
> without the benefit of a service manager. In any case, I'm surprised you're 
> putting the systemd unit files elsewhere from /etc/systemd/system. And I 
> don't see you enabling or starting those services.
> Be sure to run ansible-lint and consider taking its recommendations.
> Otherwise, without spinning up unmanaged instances myself, I don't have 
> anything else to comment on.
> --
> Todd
> On 7/13/23 2:51 PM, Sameer Modak wrote:
> Hello Todd/Dick/Stephan, 
> This is how i did, do u thnink any of below tasks  can still be handled 
> otherwise (more accurately) or this is the best way.
> ---
> - hosts: all
>   become: yes
>   tasks:
>   - name: create log dirs specifics to zookeeper,server and schema-registry
>     file:
>       path: "{{ item }}"
>       state: directory
>     loop:
>       - /var/log/zookeeper
>       - /var/log/kafka
>       - /var/log/schema-registry
>   - name: copy service files to /usr/lib/systemd/system
>     template:
>       src: "{{ item.src }}"
>       dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
>     loop:
>       - {src: 'confluent-zookeeper.service.j2', dest: 
> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/confluent-zookeeper.service'}
>       - {src: 'confluent-kafka.service.j2', dest: 
> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/confluent-kafka.service'}
>       - {src: 'confluent-schema-registry.service.j2', dest: 
> '/usr/lib/systemd/system/confluent-schema-registry.service'} 
>   - name: systemd reload
>     systemd:
>       daemon_reload: true 
>   - name: check who is existing zokeeper leader
>     shell: 'echo stat | nc localhost 2181 | grep Mode'
>     register: zkmode
>   - name: get broker id 
>     shell: |
>       export brkid=$(ps -ef | grep -i server.properties | grep -v grep  | awk 
> '{print $NF}')
>       grep broker.id ${brkid} | awk -F'=' '{print $2}'
>     register: brokerid
>   - name: get controller id 
>     shell: "echo dump | nc localhost 2181 | grep -A 2 -i controller | grep -i 
> brokers | awk -F '/' '{print $NF}'"
>     register: controllerid 
>   - name: copy zookeeper,schema-registry and kafka service check files on 
> servers
>     template:
>       src: check.j2
>       dest: '/tmp/check{{ item }}.sh'
>       mode: 551
>     loop:
>       - 'zookeeper'
>       - 'schema-registry'
>       - 'kafka' 
>   - name: Kill running unmanaged java processes for zookeeper and 
> schma-registry then  start newly configured systemd processess
>     throttle: 1
> #    ignore_errors: yes
>     any_errors_fatal: true
>     shell: "/bin/bash /tmp/check{{ item }}.sh"
>     register: followerstat
>     failed_when: followerstat.rc != 0
>     when: not zkmode.stdout_lines is search('leader')
>     loop: 
>       - 'zookeeper'
>       - 'schema-registry'
>   - name: As all followers are up now repeat to kill running java cp and 
> start systemd for leader
>     any_errors_fatal: true
>     shell: "/bin/bash /tmp/check{{ item }}.sh"
>     register: leadeprocstat
>     failed_when: leadeprocstat.rc != 0
>     when: zkmode.stdout_lines is search('leader')
>     loop: 
>       - 'zookeeper'
>       - 'schema-registry'
>   - name: Kill running unmanaged java processes for broker and start broker 
> from systemd for followers
>     throttle: 1
>     any_errors_fatal: true
>     shell: "/bin/bash /tmp/checkkafka.sh"
>     register: broprocstat
>     failed_when: broprocstat.rc != 0
>     when: (brokerid.stdout_lines[0] | int) != (controllerid.stdout_lines[0] | 
> int)  
>   - name: Kill running unmanaged java processes for broker and start broker 
> from systemd for leader
>     throttle: 1
>     any_errors_fatal: true
>     shell: "/bin/bash /tmp/checkkafka.sh"
>     register: broprocstat
>     failed_when: broprocstat.rc != 0
> If this is most accurate  way then i think guys  who are looking for 
> similar solution can use this for reference.
> On Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 8:17:09 PM UTC+5:30 Sameer Modak wrote:
>> I get it . But this is specific case where my current process is not 
>> managed by systemd so i had to use pkill anyways. 
>> Now issue is shell module with if else is not working for me correctly. 
>> Like its giving rc -9. if i copy same shell script and rung using shell 
>> module like bash /tmp/zkproc.sh it works.
>> Reason to post here is due to shell module multiple command not working 
>> as expected. Below is shell script.  Now i had to use grep -v 
>> "ERROR;et="$?" because sometime process does says its running but log has 
>> some errors which cant be ignored.
>> if pkill --signal 9 -f zookeeper.properties ; then 
>>        sleep 2;systemctl start confluent-zookeeper510; sleep 2; echo 
>> "stat" | nc localhost 2181;st="$?"
>>        systemctl status confluent-zookeeper5910 -l | grep -v ERROR;et="$?"
>>        [[ $st -eq 0 && $et -eq 0 ]] && exit 0 || exit 1
>> else
>> exit 1
>> fi
>> On Wednesday, July 12, 2023 at 5:01:27 PM UTC+5:30 Dick Visser wrote:
>>> Hii,
>>> On Wed, 12 Jul 2023 at 12:53, Sameer Modak <sameer.m...@gmail.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Todd, 
>>>> I tried to run script with shell module but it fails with below error,
>>>> [kafka-3: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "if pkill --signal 9 -f 
>>>> zookeeper.properties ; then\nsystemctl start 
>>>> confluent-zookeeper510\nelse\nexit 1\nfi\nsystemctl status 
>>>> confluent-zookeeper510\n", "delta": "0:00:00.034111", "end": "2023-07-12 
>>>> 10:31:58.344951", "failed_when_result": true, "msg": "non-zero return 
>>>> code", "rc": -9, "start": "2023-07-12 10:31:58.310840", "stderr": "", 
>>>> "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
>>>> fatal: [kafka-4]: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": "if pkill 
>>>> --signal 9 -f zookeeper.properties ; then\nsystemctl start 
>>>> confluent-zookeeper510\nelse\nexit 1\nfi\nsystemctl status 
>>>> confluent-zookeeper510\n", "delta": "0:00:00.032830", "end": "2023-07-12 
>>>> 10:31:59.744091", "failed_when_result": true, "msg": "non-zero return 
>>>> code", "rc": -9, "start": "2023-07-12 10:31:59.711261", "stderr": "", 
>>>> "stderr_lines": [], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
>>>> ===========================================================================
>>>> code:
>>>> - name: Kill running java processes and start newly configured systemd
>>>>     throttle: 1
>>>> #    ignore_errors: yes
>>>>     any_errors_fatal: true
>>>>     shell: |
>>>>       if [ pkill --signal 9 -f zookeeper.properties ] ; then 
>>>>       systemctl start confluent-zookeeper510; sleep 2; echo "stat" | 
>>>> nc localhost 2181;st="$?" systemctl status confluent-zookeeper510 -l | 
>>>> grep 
>>>> -v ERRROR;et="$?"
>>> I feel we're going down a rabbit hole trying to fight ill designed 
>>> systemd units with shell hacks (which include typos? ERRROR instead of 
>>> ERROR).
>>> My approach would be to make sure the systemd unit is doing what it 
>>> should do, and then rely on that to do its job....
>> -- 
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> -- 
> Todd

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