Look at your quoting here ...

name: set fact specific VM group
        vm_groups: “{{ group_info.drs_group_info[vcenter_env.cluster] | 
selectattr('type', '==', "vm" ) | list  }}”

That first and last quote are a "smart quotes" (leaning quotes). Your quotes 
around "vm" are double quotes.

1) You can't have smart quotes. Change to normal double quotes.
2) You can't have double quotes inside double quotes. Change "vm" to 'vm'.

name: set fact specific VM group
        vm_groups: "{{ group_info.drs_group_info[vcenter_env.cluster] | 
selectattr('type', '==', 'vm' ) | list  }}"

Walter Rowe, Division Chief
Infrastructure Services, OISM
Mobile: 202.355.4123

On Jul 14, 2023, at 8:32 AM, Deepak B K <deepa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi  Todd,

Please find  output below  ansible task

- name: Show registered var group_info and vm_name
- "group_info: {{ group_info }}"
- "vm_name: {{ vm_name }}"

TASK [Show registered var group_info and vm_name] 
ok: [NED-TST1x] => {
    "msg": [
        "group_info: {'failed': False, 'drs_group_info': {'NED-Cluster': 
[{'group_name': 'NED-HOST001-HG', 'hosts': ['ned-host612-hyp'], 'type': 
'host'}, {'group_name': 'VM2-on-dev', 'vms': ['deep-test', 'NED-DEV601-X'], 
'type': 'vm'}, {'group_name': 'VM2-on-uat', 'vms': ['NED-TST601-X'], 'type': 
'vm'}]}, 'changed': False}",
        "vm_name: NED-TST601-X"

Thanks & Regards
Deepak Kumar

On Fri, Jul 14, 2023 at 12:47 PM Deepak B K <deepa...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Groups ,

I am trying to  parse the list variable but I am getting ansible unsafe text  I 
need to match the vm name and get the corresponding vm group from the 
registered variable vm_groups.
    - name: "Gather DRS info about given Cluster"
        hostname: "{{  vcenter.hostname }}"
        username: "{{ vcenter.username }}"
        password: "{{ vcenter.password }}"
        validate_certs: "{{ vcenter.validate_certs }}"
        cluster_name: "{{ vcenter_env.cluster }}"
      delegate_to: localhost
      register: group_info

 - name: set fact specific group_info VM groups
      match_vm_group: "{{ item.drs_group_info[vcenter_env.cluster] | 
regex_search(vm_name) }}"
    when: "{{ item.drs_group_info[vcenter_env.cluster] | regex_search( vm_name 
) }}"
    loop: "{{ group_info  }}"

name: set fact specific VM group
        vm_groups: “{{ group_info.drs_group_info[vcenter_env.cluster] | 
selectattr('type', '==', "vm" ) | list  }}”

"vm_groups": "“[{'group_name': VM2-on-dev', 'vms': ['deep-test', 
'NED-DEV601-X'], 'type': 'vm'}, {'group_name': 'VM2-on-uat', 'vms': 
['NED-TST601-X'], 'type': 'vm'}

I appreciate  your quick help .


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