i have a playbook with a task that should fetch me the content of a file on 
host 1 load it into a directory (drop) and the following task should copy 
the content of the drop directoy and copy it to another file on host 2
here is my playbook:

- name: Exchange Keys between servers
  hosts: test_servers
  become: true
  become_method: sudo
#    - name: SSH KeyGen command
 #     openssh_keypair:
  #      path: /home/osboxes/.ssh/id_rsa
   #     force: false

     - name: Fetch the file from the host1 to master
       run_once: yes
         src: /home/osboxes/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
         dest: /home/osboxes/drop/
         flat: yes
       when: "{{ inventory_hostname == 'test1' }}"

     - name: Copy the file from master to host2
       copy: src=/home/osboxes/drop/idrsa.pub 
       when: "{{ inventory_hostname == 'test2' }}"

but for some reason the playbook cant access the drop directory on my 
ansible control node and i get this error massage 

TASK [Fetch the file from the host1 to master] 
[WARNING]: conditional statements should not include jinja2 templating 
delimiters such as {{ }} or {% %}. Found: {{ inventory_hostname == 'test1' 
fatal: [test1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to fetch the 
file: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/home/osboxes/drop/id_rsa.pub'"}

Could somebody tell me what im doing wrong bc i cant find a working 
solution in google 

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