Adding to Todd's question .. NFS often does NOT permit root so its permissions 
are converted to "nobody" unless otherwise specified (if this is really an NFS 
volume you are copying into).

Walter Rowe, Division Chief
Infrastructure Services, OISM
Mobile: 202.355.4123

On Oct 12, 2023, at 6:49 PM, Todd Lewis <> wrote:

You could help us help you if you included some background.

Is the error you got associated with the "copy JSON" task?

How are you elevating privileges? There's no "become: true" on the plays; are 
you specifying "--become" or "-b" on the command line? Does it run as you, or 
are you using a different become user? Is "nfs" a group or an individual host?

It might help to show the whole command line, and the output of
  ansible-config dump --only-changed
could avoid us having to ask some follow-up questions, too.

On 10/12/23 5:26 PM, William Flow wrote:
So I have a template that runs a PB like"
- name: Get data on flex-fiber 9500
  hosts: flex-copper
  gather_facts: no

  - name: run show configuration on flex-copper FS 5800
    # cisco.ios.ios_command:
    #   commands: show interface
      command: show version | json
    register: myconfigs
- name: Show data on flex-copper FS 5800
  hosts: nfs
  gather_facts: no

  - name: display value of "myconfigs" variable
      msg: "{{ hostvars['flex-copper'].myconfigs }}"
  - name: copy JSON
      content: "{{ hostvars['flex-copper'].myconfigs | to_json(indent=4, 
sort_keys=True )}}"
      dest: "/nfs/html/switch_json/flex-copper-5800_data.json"
      owner: rtlogic
      group: rtlogic
      mode: '0644'
I tried with Cisco with the same error and I always fail with
 "msg": "failed to elevate privilege to enable mode, still at level [4] and 
prompt [b'\\nflex-c-tor-1# ']",
i have changed my creds for this many times really need some help here
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