It's even stranger than that (until you realize what's going on).
Rather than commenting out the "ansible_ssh_user:" line, just misspell the 
variable, like "ansible_ssh_userx". It'll work then, too — but with the 
wrong user of course.

What you're running into is a combination of things: set_fact, delegate_to, 
and the bit you didn't show, which is your playbook's "hosts:" line and/or 
your command's "--limit" specification. Also the "special variable" 
function of the "ansible_ssh_user" variable itself. Maybe throw in lazy 
variable template evaluation for good measure.

The error message is correct but incomplete, in that "aws_region" is 
undefined. What the message leaves out is "… in the context of the 
delegation host 'ec2.instances.0.network_interfaces.0.private_ip_address'".

You set the task variable "ansible_ssh_user" to a template. By lazy 
template evaluation, that template isn't evaluated until the variable is 
used, which is at the point of connection. So it's evaluated in the context 
of a host *which has no set_fact-derived variables defined*: 
'ec2.instances.0.network_interfaces.0.private_ip_address'. Only your play 
hosts will have set_fact-derived variables.

Assuming your hosts line is something like "hosts: localhost", then you can 
work around it by changing your variable definition to
ansible_ssh_user: "{{ amis[*hostvars['localhost'].*aws_region][
*hostvars['localhost'].*os_version].user }}"

I'm reasonably sure (but could be wrong) that the "amis" dict is defined, 
because it isn't a host variable. That's different from set_fact-derived 
variables which are both host-specific and template resolved at their 

Let us know if this resolves your issue.

On Saturday, January 13, 2024 at 9:40:57 AM UTC-5 ricardo barbosa wrote:

> Hello guys
> I created the following structure:
> ```
> amis:
>   us-east-1:
>     amazonlinux:
>       owner_id: "137112412989"
>       x86_64: "ami-01bc990364452ab3e"
>       arm64: "ami-0900a8f768a21540a"
>       user: "ec2-user"
>     ubuntu:
>       owner_id: "099720109477"
>       x86_64: "ami-0fc5d935ebf8bc3bc" # Ubuntu 22
>       arm64: "ami-016485166ec7fa705"  # 
>       user: "ubuntu"
> ```
> and I have a json file that I fill in to raise an ec2 instance:
> ```json
> {
>     "aws_region":"us-east-1",
>     "architecture":"arm64",
>     "os_version":"ubuntu",
>     "instance_name":"test6",
>     "domain":"example.corp",
>     "subnet":"SUBNET-PUB-A",
>     "instance_type":"t4g.micro",
>     "security_groups": [ "sg-xxxxxx", "sg-yyyyyyyy"],
>     "aws_role":"default-role",
>     "root_volume_size":20,
>     "ebs_swap_size": 4,
>     "keyname": "ssh-key",
>     "ebs_type": "gp3",
>     "backup": "no",
>     "boxenv":"DEV"
> }
> ```
> And I read this json and create the variables with the tasks:
> ```
> - name: Read json configuration
>     shell: cat config-ec2-launch.json
>     register: result
>   - name: save the Json data to a Variable as a Fact
>     set_fact: 
>       jsondata: "{{ result.stdout | from_json }}"
>   - name: Variable | Get aws_region variable
>     set_fact:
>       aws_region: "{{ jsondata | json_query(jmesquery) }}"
>     vars:
>       jmesquery: 'aws_region'
>   - name: Variable | Get architecture variable
>     set_fact:              
>       architecture: "{{ jsondata | json_query(jmesquery) }}"
>     vars:
>       jmesquery: 'architecture'
>   - name: Variable | Get os_version variable
>     set_fact:
>       os_version: "{{ jsondata | json_query(jmesquery) }}"
>     vars:
>       jmesquery: 'os_version'
> ```
> and created the tasks right away:
> ```
> - name: AWS Ec2 Instance | Create the EC2 instance
>     ec2_instance:
>       state: started   #  started state=running + waits for EC2 status 
> checks to report OK if wait=true
>       image_id: "{{ newest_ami }}"
>       name: "{{ instance_name }}"
>       detailed_monitoring: false
>       metadata_options:
>         http_tokens: required
>       instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
>       region: "{{ aws_region }}"
>       vpc_subnet_id: "{{ }}"    
>       instance_initiated_shutdown_behavior: stop
>       instance_role: "{{ aws_roles[aws_role] }}"
>       volumes:
>         - device_name: "{{ name_device_root_ami.images.0.root_device_name 
> }}"
>           ebs:
>             volume_type: gp3
>             volume_size: "{{ root_volume_size }}"
>             delete_on_termination: true
>       security_groups: "{{ security_groups }}"
>       tags:
>         Name: "{{ instance_name }}"
>         Domain: "{{ domain }}"
>         Backup: "{{ backup }}"
>         BOXENV: "{{ boxenv }}"
>       key_name: "{{ aws_key_names[keyname] }}"
>       wait: yes
>     register: ec2
>   - name: AWS Ec2 ebs | Add volume to swap
>       instance: "{{ ec2.instances[0].instance_id }}"
>       volume_size: "{{ ebs_swap_size }}"
>       volume_type: "{{ ebs_type }}"
>       delete_on_termination: True
>       device_name: "/dev/sdf"
>       region: '{{ aws_region }}'
>       tags:
>         Name: "{{ instance_name }}:swap"
>         BOXENV: "{{ boxenv }}"
>   - name: Swap | List all devices on {{ instance_name }} 
>     vars:
>         ansible_ssh_user: "{{ amis[ aws_region ][ os_version ].user }}"
> echo "{{ aws_region }} {{ 
> ec2.instances.0.network_interfaces.0.private_ip_address }}"
>     register: devices_host
>     delegate_to: "{{ 
> ec2.instances.0.network_interfaces.0.private_ip_address }}"
>     args:
>       executable: /bin/bash
> ```
> But when I run it, it displays the error below
> ```
> FAILED! => {"msg": "'aws_region' is undefined"}
> ```
> If I comment the line `ansible_ssh_user: "{{ amis[ aws_region ][ 
> os_version ].user }}"` it displays the contents of the aws_region variable. 
> Any 
> idea where I'm going wrong? 
> Thanks

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