Good morning. Here's a bit of a challenge. I'm working on a playbook to get 
certs from letsencrypt, then put those into zone files. Rather than use the 
Ansible letsencrypt module, we've written a Perl script to get the certs. 
For each domain that we get certs for, a separate file named 
<domain>-le.txt is created in /etc/ansible/playbooks/files. It looks like 


I need to extract the certs and put them into the domain's zone file. This 
is what the playbook looks like right now, where we currently have to paste 
in the certs, as can be seen from the two prompts. That's what I'm trying 
to further automate:

*---- hosts: dns1,dns2  gather_facts: yes*

*  become: yes  become_method: sudo  vars_prompt:    - name: "zonefile"    
  prompt: "Enter host domain name"      private: no    - name: 
"acmechallenge1"      prompt: "Enter first DNS TXT record"      private: 
no    - name: "acmechallenge2"      prompt: "Enter second DNS TXT record"  
    private: no  vars:    serial_num: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d%S') 
}}"    year: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y) }}"    zonedir: 
'/var/named/chroot/var/named/'  tasks:*

*    - name: Create backup of zone file      shell: cp 
/var/named/chroot/var/named/{{ zonefile }}.hosts /root/zonebackups/{{ 
zonefile }}.hosts.{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}      tags:        - 
backup    - name: Remove old TXT entries      replace:        path: "{{ 
item }}"        regexp: '^_acme-challenge.*\n'        replace: ''        
after: "Lets Encrypt Validation"        backup: yes      with_items: '{{ 
zonedir }}{{ zonefile }}.hosts'      tags:        - remove    - name: 
Update serial number      replace:        dest: "{{ item }}"        regexp: 
'202[3-5][0-1][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]'        replace: '{{ serial_num 
}}'      with_items: '{{ zonedir }}{{ zonefile }}.hosts'      tags:        
- updsrl    - name: Add TXT entry 1 to zone file      lineinfile:*

*        dest: "{{ item }}"        insertafter: EOF        line: 
'_acme-challenge                                 TXT     "{{ acmechallenge1 
}}"'      with_items: '{{ zonedir }}{{ zonefile }}.hosts'      register: 
add_txt1    - name: Add TXT entry 2 to zone file      lineinfile:        
dest: "{{ item }}"        insertafter: EOF        line: '_acme-challenge   
                              TXT     "{{ acmechallenge2 }}"'      
with_items: '{{ zonedir }}{{ zonefile }}.hosts'      register: add_txt2    
- name: Show add_txt      ansible.builtin.debug:        var: add_txt1    - 
name: Show add_txt      ansible.builtin.debug:        var: add_txt2    - 
name: reload named-chroot      service:        name: named-chroot        
state: reloaded      tags:        - restart_named*

Getting this more fullu automated would be huge. Your help would be most 

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