
I'm building my way down a directory tree using build.xml files in every
subdirectory and a chain of <ant /> tasks in each build.xml.  I believe
I have to do it this way because certain subdirectories need special handling,
and I only want to make changes (when they are necessary) in a single build.xml

My problem is this.  I want ant to try to build everything every time, even when
one of the <ant /> tasks in a subdirectory fails.  Sometimes an error in a
single subdirectory will be fatal to everything in the build, and sometimes not.
I want ant to make a strong effort to build everything every time, regardless of

It appears, however, that a single error in one subdirectory halts the entire
build.  I'm assuming that this is due to the fact that ant slurps up all the
data in all the build.xml files and tries to execute everything in one fell
swoop with a single JVM.  So the question is, short of using <java /> with the
'fork' attribute to perform each separate build, is there any way to get ant to
continue building regardless of errors it may encounter?



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