----- Original Message -----
From: "One Way" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 11:09 PM
Subject: Re: <javac> compiles files with no changes

> Right, I do not have junit and ftp-tasks, so ClassNotFoundException is
> valid.

If you have no call to <junit> in your buildfile this should not normally
happen. So it's invalid.

> > And second the path seems to be totally wrong. All backslashes
> > removed and it seems /b was interpreted as an escape-code.
> The 'real' path should be D:/dev/cms/build/ejb (I replaced backslashed
> with forward slashes)

When did you do this? Before posting this mail?

> > 2. On which OS?
> W2K, JDK 1.3
It normally works in this environment.

> > 3. What command-interpreter are you using?
> Win32 Console (from MultiEdit). I tried it with W2K command prompt, no
> difference.

You mean the thing you can start with "File/Command Shell"?

> > 4. 'cmscontroller' is *not* part of the java-package? (It shouldn't)
> ../cmscontroller/cmscontroller*.java are files of the application being
> built.

And what does the first non-empty, non-comment-line look like? Is there a
Statement reading "package ...;" in the source?

> Also, I'm getting 'can't open D:/Apps/jdk1.3/lib/tzmappings'
> warning/error in prepare task,
> It disappears if I remove <tstamp/> tag. It does not seem to be related
> to the problem I'm having though.

Can you please post you complete build.xml and the output of Ant? (You can
redirect the output using -logfile <yourfile> option when calling ant).


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