
I'm a newbie with Ant so...

I am writing a new Ant task. I have to redirect
standard input to a subprocess likes :

'MyInputFileName >> MyExecName

and redirect the standard output to a file like

MyExecName >> myOutputFileName.

I have download the Ant1.2 source code, browse to the
taskdefs directory, and see how the CVS task use the
PumpStreamHandler class to redirect it's stdout...

Hox to custom this class ? Do you have some sample ?

I have already try to custom the PumpStreamHandler
class, but I have the following PROBLEM:

I have a (new) thread that read the inputstream and
redirect to the stdin of the Exec Ant class, and a
thread that collect the stdout as the

But my (new) input thread that died before my
subprocess finished, and the process is blocked.

thanks for any help

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