Gidday everyone.

I have a problem with my ANT script running out of memory in mid flight.

I have already set -Mx256M and it doesn't help - the problem appears to
be that ANT is taking so much memory that other applications (launched
through exec/execon) can't work.

I'm running Ant 1.3 under JDK 1.3 from JBuilder 4 Foundation on Win NT4
sp 5 with 128M physical memory.

Does anyone have any hints on how to reduce the amount of memory used by
Ant - is there a better JVM to use, or a way to force better garbage

I can email my build.xml file to the list if you like - but it's almost
100K and I don't want to flood the list.

Thanks in advance,

Bevan Arps, OO Analyst                    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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