Also: Re: <java> task & files on standard input

So, basically, there's no way in an Ant build file to force a core task
that takes a command line argument to read (something) from standard input,
is there?  I'm looking for simple, and have no wish to write my own task
for this; if it's not part of the core tasks like java/javac/exec, then
I'll just pound the tool that uses stdin into compilance rather than
mucking with Ant any more.

This question comes up for me when trying to port this line from a makefile
into xml-xalan/java/build.xml:

java -cp /blah/java_cup.jar java_cup.Main -parser XPathParser <

---- you [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote ----
> A fine solution for sed, but what about other tools that ONLY deal with
> stdin (stupid though they may be).

Indeed!  Unfortunately in life we sometimes inherit other people's toys
that only accept stdin.  (Use it by default all you like when building
tools; just provide me an option like '-stdin argname' to replace it with,

- Shane

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