What I did is write a shell script (on NT/2K) that runs ant and the main
build target, then checks the errorlevel when it returns, and based on that
runs ant again, to send the mail. Much easier than the build listener, works
great, and I can do things like have the subject line include FAILED/SUCCESS
like this:

call ant.bat -emacs -buildfile %DS_HOME%\tools\build.xml %DO_DS_LOG%
%*||goto FAILED

echo Build.bat success
if not defined DO_DS_LOG goto BUILD_DONE
echo Build.bat sending mail 
call ant.bat -emacs -DBuildResult=Success -buildfile
%DS_HOME%\tools\build.xml SendMail&goto BUILD_DONE

echo Build.bat fail
if not defined DO_DS_LOG goto BUILD_DONE
echo Build.bat sending mail 
call ant.bat -emacs -DBuildResult=Failed -buildfile
%DS_HOME%\tools\build.xml SendMail&goto BUILD_DONE

DO_DS_LOG is set to -logfile=build.log for the nightly build machine, and
not set on developers machines.

-----Original Message-----
From: james [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 11:31 AM
Subject: RE: Is there any onFail type of capability?

use the buildListener interface.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Stillwell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2001 9:07 AM
Subject: Is there any onFail type of capability?

I am using the mail task to notify when a build is complete; however, it
doesn't get sent if the build fails.  Is there a way to ensure that the
email is sent regardless of the out come of the build? Here's my build all

  <target name="all" description="Build everything"
          depends="init, compile, jars, javadoc">
      <format property="TIME" pattern="hh:mm:ss a"/>
    <mail from="newwave@nwvibm00-e1"
          tolist="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
          subject="NewWave Build ${TODAY}"
          message="NewWave Build ${TODAY} Completed at ${TIME}."



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