I am trying to get my ant script to telnet into another box and run a
script. It appears to login (I can't be certain) but doesn't run any command
that I enter in a write tag. I've tried simpler things than running my
script, such as touch, without success. The only indication that I have that
anything is happening on the remote box is the following in my
/var/log/messages file:
Apr 23 14:54:59 stellar PAM_pwdb[15186]: (login) session opened for user
backup by (uid=0)
Apr 23 14:54:59 stellar inetd[14766]: pid 15185: exit status 1

The relevant section from my build.xml is:
<target name="telnet" depends="init" >
   <telnet server="server.name" userid="backup" password="badpass" >
      <write>touch testfile </write>

I am using
Ant 1.3 on Win2000 Prof
Telneting to RedHat Linux 6.2

Any ideas anyone?

Gary Lawson
Development Support Engineer

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