            Diane and all my dear friends who offered help, Thanks to you
all !!!
Setting echo on was great help ...I saw that I had an extra slash appended 
on the ANT_HOME path, due to which the lcp.bat was not being invoked from 
inside ant.bat.

Once I took care of that...its perfect ...

One more question that I have is ... is there a way by which, we can
generate the 
dependency trees for Java files.I have somethiing like 3000 files to go

Question 2 :

I have been using a tool called the JavaDepend and it seems to be doing a
fair job.
But I just wanted to know If Ant provided this capability by  itself.

With Regards 
and Best Wishes,

Viraj Purang

-----Original Message-----
From: Diane Holt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2001 4:12 PM
Subject: Re: java command options instead of ant ... : Green back 

Try changing the line at the top of the ant.bat file to @echo on and see
how things look, especially the java command-line that runs Ant.

P.S. I've never run 'ant' from a DOS window before, but I just tried it on
my NT (all I set was ANT_HOME, no classpath) and it ran fine. 


--- Viraj Purang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
>     I keep getting this text when I run ant from the command prompt
> after
> setting the classpath and installing ANT on my PC.
> The text resembles the output when you run just java at the command
> prompt
> which leads me to believe that the .bat file for ant contains java
> statements, which are not complete.
>     The ant however comes up fine when I run it from inside the perl
> file
> which is attached in the ant ditribution.
>       Can someone help me out on this ?
> Regards,
> Viraj Purang
> C:\>ant
> Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
>            (to execute a class)
>    or  java -jar [-options] jarfile [args...]
>            (to execute a jar file)
> where options include:
>     -cp -classpath <directories and zip/jar files separated by ;>
>               set search path for application classes and resources
>     -D<name>=<value>
>               set a system property
>     -verbose[:class|gc|jni]
>               enable verbose output
>     -version  print product version
>     -? -help  print this help message
>     -X        print help on non-standard options


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