I hope this hasn't been answered before, I have read the archives &
documentation but have not discovered the answer (not to say that I couldn't
have missed it ;-)

Say I have a WAR archive from elsewhere

it has some classes in it that I want to put into a new ZIP/JAR archive

In the WAR the classes appear like


I want to create a JAR that has all the class files, but not the prefix

I couldn't find how to remove prefixes from zipfilesets, only how to add

Can anyone give me some hints

Now I am currently do it by unzip'ing the WAR into a temp directory then

<fileset dir="${TEMP}/WEB-INF/classes" include="**/*.class"/>

but I thought there might be a cooler way to do it without having to unpack
the WAR myself

Any hints ?

BTW I am using Ant 1.3


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